Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by dev_man_44 »

I use 5.2 version of Grid. Trying to implement state save and after reload keep apply the saved state.
I checked this topic also but StateProvider.setup('local') is not working. https://bryntum.com/products/grid/examples/state/

My Vue 2 code implementation:


data have variables: gridInstance: null, gridStateId: 'grid.state-id'.

mounted() {
    this.gridInstance = this.$refs.grid.instance
    if (this.gridInstance) {
      const savedState = localStorage.getItem(this.gridStateId)
      if (savedState && this.gridInstance) {
        const parsedState = JSON.parse(savedState)
methods: {
    saveState() {
      localStorage.setItem(this.gridStateId, JSON.stringify(this.gridInstance.state))
    resetState() {

I call saveState method on column filtering and I checked the localStorage and the actual state saved there. And tested that state got from localStorage on mounted hook and passed to applyState function correctly. Attached image about localStorage.

grid_demo.png (46.32 KiB) Viewed 2051 times

Post by alex.l »

The code you posted looks correct. Could you please attach a runnable app, the problem might be in something different. Maybe the grid updated twice?

All the best,

Post by dev_man_44 »

I created a demo project on my git repo:
I call saveState function but also added some comments there. Please answer it also why state not updating on this method?

Post by alex.l »

I tried your demo, all works fine to me. Please see video attached.
What's the actual problem?

Screen Recording 2022-12-09 at 13.33.37.mov
(5.56 MiB) Downloaded 66 times

All the best,

Post by dev_man_44 »

I checked your video but I need the deleted (hidden) column not appear after refresh. Can you please try it and see the result ?

Post by alex.l »

Please see video attached. I still don't see any problems.

Screen Recording 2022-12-14 at 20.35.05.mov
(6.57 MiB) Downloaded 34 times

All the best,

Post by dev_man_44 »

I watched your video and see that it works. I tested it now it works. I really curious about what was wrong :/ . For the last video try to hide Phone filed and save then reload. Seems it does not get saved. Then added field: '' into that phone column in the colums section and it also started working and saved if hidden. May be this causes the bug.

Post by alex.l »

Then added field: '' into that phone column in the colums section

Sorry, I don't follow. Could you please re-phrase this part?

All the best,

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