I want to block multi zooming or make something like Scheduler will not refresh all zooming one by one, but after some debouceTime.
I've got zoomKeepsOriginalTimeSpan option set as true.
How can I achieve this?
We've got problem - when user is zooming out fast, scroll is moving to the end...
It is reproducable in your big data set. The main reason is you need to make scheduler overloaded (with performance), then it sometimes can be happened.
I'm including gif how it is looking in our application.
Looking at the code (TimelineZoomable class) the reaction is already throttled:
if (me.zoomOnMouseWheel) {
element : me.timeAxisSubGridElement,
wheel : 'onWheel',
// Throttle zooming with the wheel a bit to have greater control of it
throttled : {
buffer : 100,
// Prevent events from slipping through the throttle, causing scroll
alt : e => e.ctrlKey && e.preventDefault()
thisObj : me,
capture : true,
passive : false
Considering buffer : 100 above...
Yet it's probably not enough with your dataset.
Unfortunately I don't see a way to customize that throttle value in this code.
So a workaround could be is setting zoomOnMouseWheel : false and then calling this code by yourself. Something like this:
const scheduler = new SchedulerPro({
zoomOnMouseWheel : false,
element : scheduler.timeAxisSubGridElement,
wheel : 'onWheel',
// Throttle zooming with the wheel a bit to have greater control of it
throttled : {
buffer : 1000,
// Prevent events from slipping through the throttle, causing scroll
alt : e => e.ctrlKey && e.preventDefault()
thisObj : scheduler,
capture : true,
passive : false
Please let us know if the workaround works for you.
Yes, this workaround helps.
Be able to zoom every higher interval is better for large project where rendering content can take some time.
And yes - it will be very helpfull to configure zooming by mouse wheel like other features.