Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by richard ponusz »

Hi Bryntum team!
I have a question about using JSX in the eventBodyTemplate. We want to use JSX as much as its possible in our project, especially for the scheduler events and tooltips.

We saw that in the Bryntum Scheduler Pro 5.2.6 version you added JSX support to event/taskRenderer so we just updated to it. Previously we have used ReactDomServer.renderToString() but that that creates some styling issues so JSX support without this hack would be important.

According to this https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/774 we should be able to use our React components for events but we only get [Object object] in our DOM instead of the JSX we added in the eventBodyTemplate. (I have simplified eventBodyTemplate and eventRenderer functions for the purpose of this demo).

Are we missing some configuration or any other idea on why JSX still causes this issue on 5.2.6?

// Rows affected eventBodyTemplate={() => <div>Hello</div>} eventRenderer={() => ''} eventColor={null as any} eventEditFeature={false} eventFilterFeature={false} eventLayout="stack" eventStyle={null as any} filterBarFeature={{ compactMode: true }} fullRowRefresh={false} groupFeature='name' id="demo-scheduler" listeners={listeners} multiEventSelect={true} onCellClick={cellClickListener} onSelectionChange={localHandleSelectionChange} onPresetChange={presetChange} panFeature presets={presets} project={project} readOnly={false} ref={ganttRef as any} resourceTimeRangesFeature scheduleMenuFeature={false} scheduleTooltipFeature={false} simpleEventEditFeature={false} startDate={startDate} stripeFeature suppressFit transitionDuration={0} viewPreset={zoomLevel} useInitialAnimation={false} zoomKeepsOriginalTimespan />
scheduler_jsx_issue.PNG (96.3 KiB) Viewed 166 times

Post by saki »

The ticket summarizes the React support we plan to implement. We recently implemented support for tooltips and we are currently in working on support for events. We expect that the support will be release in one of the upcoming releases.

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