Hi Marcio,
Just for you to know, I found a workaround for that proposal, I did not test many components.
But with this code, I was able to integrate Some react componentes within a Bryntum popup. (using 'renderToString' function, and a Bryntum Panel)
const tkFormContent = renderToString((
<TkInputText name="Name" required={true} label="Name" defaultValue={''} />,
<TkInputText name="Name" label="Name" defaultValue={''} />,
<TkButton form="propertiesTenantInfo2" text="Save"/>
const pop = new Popup({
header: 'A simple text Popup',
autoShow: true,
centered: true,
closeAction: 'destroy',
closable: true,
width: '60%',
modal: true,
items: [
type: 'grid',
height: '55vh',
width: 1000,
cls: '',
selectionMode: {
cell: false,
checkbox: false,
showCheckAll: false
features: {
cellEdit: false,
filterBar: false,
filter: false,
group: {
field: 'environment'
rowHeight: 30,
columnLines: true,
columns: [
field: 'objType',
text: 'OBJECT TYPE',
flex: '1',
outerHeight: 8
field: 'number',
text: 'NUMBER',
outerWidth: 'auto',
type: 'number',
align: 'center',
outerHeight: 8
{ field: 'environment', text: 'ENVIRONMENT', flex: '6', outerHeight: 8 }
store: {
fields: ['objType', 'number', 'environment'],
type: 'panel',
html: tkFormContent