Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by ogardnerffdc »


I have a lazy loaded tree grid where I'm setting the children property of records to true to indicate that data will be loaded at a later point. These records are loaded by overriding the loadChildren function in the store.

Along with the tree grid, I have implemented a searching UI to allow users to search the tree grid for records. Upon searching, I would like to use the https://www.bryntum.com/products/scheduler/docs/api/Grid/feature/Search API to highlight the results. However, when I do this, the search API throws an error:

Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 11.24.14.png
Screenshot 2023-05-31 at 11.24.14.png (867.83 KiB) Viewed 195 times

I have managed to reproduce this in the Bryntum demos using the following code:

import { TreeGrid, DomHelper, DateHelper, ObjectHelper, DataGenerator } from '../../build/grid.module.js?468078';
import shared from '../_shared/shared.module.js?468078';

class App {
    constructor() {
        const me = this;

    me.grid = new TreeGrid({

        appendTo : 'container',

        features : {
            search : true
        columns : [
            { text : 'Name', field : 'name', type: 'tree' },
        data : [{
        id: 'id1',
        expanded: true,
        name: 'Parent 1',
        children: [
                id: 'id2',
                name: 'Child 1'
        id: 'id3',
        expanded: true,
        name: 'Parent 2',
        children: [
                id: 'id4',
                name: 'Child 2'
        id: 'id5',
        expanded: false,
        name: 'Parent 3',
        children: true

        tbar : [
                type      : 'text',
                ref       : 'searchField',
                clearable : true,
                label     : '<i class="b-icon b-icon-search"></i>',
                listeners : {
                    change  : 'onSearchFieldChange',
                    clear   : 'onSearchFieldClear',
                    thisObj : me
                type     : 'button',
                ref      : 'prevBtn',
                icon     : 'b-icon-up',
                disabled : true,
                tooltip  : {
                    html : `
                        <div class="header">Go to previous hit</div>
                        <div class="content">
                            You can also hold <code>[shift]</code> and press <code>[f3]</code> or <code>[ctrl]/[cmd] + [g]</code>
                    position : 'bottom center'
                listeners : {
                    action  : 'onPrevHit',
                    thisObj : me
                type     : 'button',
                ref      : 'nextBtn',
                icon     : 'b-icon-down',
                disabled : true,
                tooltip  : {
                    html : `
                        <div class="header">Go to next hit</div>
                        <div class="content">
                            You can also press <code>[f3]</code> or <code>[ctrl]/[cmd] + [g]</code>
                    position : 'bottom center'
                listeners : {
                    action  : 'onNextHit',
                    thisObj : me
            '<code>F3</code> or <code>CTRL/CMD + G</code> navigates hits. Add <code>SHIFT</code> to go backwards'

        listeners : {
            search      : 'onSearchPerformed',
            clearsearch : 'onClearPerformed',
            thisObj     : me

    me.search = me.grid.widgetMap.searchField;
    me.previousBtn = me.grid.widgetMap.prevBtn;
    me.nextBtn = me.grid.widgetMap.nextBtn;

onNextHit() {
    this.grid.features.search.gotoNextHit(false, { animate : 300 });

onPrevHit() {
    this.grid.features.search.gotoPrevHit({ animate : 300 });

onSearchPerformed({ find, found }) {
        me     = this,
        search = me.search;

    // Needed when you search by calling search method manually.
    // Suspend events so as not to cause feedback and do the search twice.
    if (!ObjectHelper.isEqual(search.value, find)) {
        search.value = find instanceof Date ? DateHelper.format(find, 'L') : find;

    search.badge = found.length;

onClearPerformed() {
    const me = this;

    // need when you reset search by calling clear method manually
    me.search.value = '';

    me.search.badge = null;

onSearchFieldClear() {

onSearchFieldChange({ value }) {

const app = window.app = new App();

setTimeout(() => app.grid.features.search.search('child'), 10);

Please could you confirm whether this is a bug or if I am using these features incorrectly.

Thank you!

Post by mats »

Reproduced, thanks for reporting. https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/6896

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