I have recently been trying to implement a grid that has items that has an object reference to another custom store in the project.
I am looking for any idea as to how and why the search functionality disappears from the combo widget whenever I use store instead of items in the combo.
The below code shows the attached country perfectly and sets the country correctly,
export const SUPPLIER_GRID_COLUMNS = (project: any) => {
const countryCombo = new Combo({
label: 'country',
store: project.countryStore,
displayField: 'name'
return [
id: 'country',
field: 'countryName',
text: 'Country',
editor: countryCombo,
flex: 1
however the search/filter stops working when compared to this, which is the same setup except the store is referenced not from the project, but in essence the stores are the same
I would very much like to keep the store inside the project since it has more functionality when working with schedulerPro logic.
So do you have any idea where to look to try to resolve my search/filter issues?
Sorry for the late response.. At that point in time there is no records in countryStore, but the store is created correctly when project is created. But the grid is then created before project is done loading data from the backend.
However even if I try to not start the grid until the countryStore is populated with a list of the countries, it still does not let me search in the combo box. But the data is showing correctly still.
Otherwise if you can try to help me to what I am looking for with "what is in countryStore" maybe I can be more of help?
I did set displayField?, but I didn't really want a valueField, as I just wanted itself (the object) to be the value
But I tried to add the valuefield of id, but it changed nothing
combo_with_valuefield.png (7.27 KiB) Viewed 726 times
data is pretty simple, looks like this after entering the store:
data_example.png (47.26 KiB) Viewed 726 times
But again, everything seems to work fine, except that I cannot search in the combo.
So setting the reference and everything is fine
Here is fully runnable code that you can copy and paste into any of our examples and test
let newPlayerCount = 0;
const countryStore = new AjaxStore({
fields: ['id', 'name']
window.loadDataToStore = () => {
id: 1,
name : 'Germany'
}, {
id : 2,
name : 'Sweden'
}, {
id : 3,
name : 'Poland'
setTimeout(loadDataToStore, 2000);
const grid = new Grid({
appendTo : 'container',
features : {
cellEdit : true,
sort : 'name',
stripe : true
// Show changed cells
showDirty : true,
async validateStartDateEdit({ grid, value }) {
if (value > DateHelper.clearTime(new Date())) {
return grid.features.cellEdit.confirm({
title : 'Selected date in future',
message : 'Update field?'
return true;
columns : [
{ text : 'Name', field : 'name', flex : 1 },
text : 'Birthplace',
field : 'city',
width : '8em',
editor : { type : 'dropdown', items : DataGenerator.cities }
text : 'Country',
field : 'country',
width : '8em',
editor : { type : 'dropdown', store : countryStore, valueField: 'id', displayField : 'name' }
{ text : 'Team', field : 'team', flex : 1 },
{ text : 'Score', field : 'score', editor : 'number', width : '5em' },
text : 'Start',
id : 'start',
type : 'date',
field : 'start',
width : '9em',
finalizeCellEdit : 'up.validateStartDateEdit'
{ text : 'Finish (readonly)', type : 'date', field : 'finish', width : '9em', editor : false },
{ text : 'Time', id : 'time', type : 'time', field : 'time', width : '10em' },
// Column using the custom widget defined above as its editor
text : 'Custom', // `text` gets localized automatically, is added to examples/_shared/locales/*
field : 'done',
editor : 'yesno',
width : '5em',
renderer : ({ value }) => value ? YesNo.L('L{Object.Yes}') : YesNo.L('L{Object.No}')
{ type : 'percent', text : 'Percent', field : 'percent', flex : 1 }
data : DataGenerator.generateData(50),
listeners : {
selectionChange({ selection }) {
removeButton.disabled = !selection.length || grid.readOnly;
tbar : [
type : 'button',
ref : 'readOnlyButton',
text : 'Read-only',
tooltip : 'Toggles read-only mode on grid',
toggleable : true,
icon : 'b-fa-square',
pressedIcon : 'b-fa-check-square',
onToggle : ({ pressed }) => {
addButton.disabled = insertButton.disabled = grid.readOnly = pressed;
removeButton.disabled = pressed || !grid.selectedRecords.length;
type : 'buttongroup',
items : [
type : 'button',
ref : 'addButton',
icon : 'b-fa-plus-circle',
text : 'Add',
tooltip : 'Adds a new row (at bottom)',
onAction : () => {
counter = ++newPlayerCount,
added = grid.store.add({
name : `New player ${counter}`,
cls : `new_player_${counter}`
grid.selectedRecord = added[0];
type : 'button',
ref : 'insertButton',
icon : 'b-fa-plus-square',
text : 'Insert',
tooltip : 'Inserts a new row (at top)',
onAction : () => {
counter = ++newPlayerCount,
added = grid.store.insert(0, {
name : `New player ${counter}`,
cls : `new_player_${counter}`
grid.selectedRecord = added[0];
type : 'button',
ref : 'removeButton',
color : 'b-red',
icon : 'b-fa b-fa-trash',
text : 'Remove',
tooltip : 'Removes selected record(s)',
disabled : true,
onAction : () => {
const selected = grid.selectedRecords;
if (selected && selected.length) {
store = grid.store,
nextRecord = store.getNext(selected[selected.length - 1]),
prevRecord = store.getPrev(selected[0]);
grid.selectedRecord = nextRecord || prevRecord;
const { addButton, removeButton, insertButton } = grid.widgetMap;
// Show the dirty marker
grid.store.getAt(0).score = 200;
It uses editor with AjaxStore and data loaded into the store with 2sec delay.
I see it fully working.
Please apply required changes to make the bug reproducible or attach runnable test case that we can debug.