We are using the latest Grid in a Salesforce LWC component.
We require the Tree column title (far left column) to span over the next column so we can reduce the left column width when the subheading title is longer.
I’ve tried an approach similar to an answer that I’ve found on your forum :
text: 'Code',
field: 'securityCode',
cls: 'text h6',
cellCls: 'grid__security-code',
type: 'tree',
locked: true,
tooltipRenderer: false,
autoWidth: false,
width: 100,
htmlEncode: false,
renderer: ({
}) => record.securityName ? `<a class="grid__security-code__cell" href="${self.generateCompanySearchURL(value)}">${value}</a>` :
'<span class="b-cell-content">' + value + '</span>'
}, {
text: 'Security',
field: 'securityName',…….
Basically, adding a Span class ‘b-cell-content’
Then in the CSS ,
.b-cell-content {
z-index: 20 !important;
position: absolute !important;
I can’t seem to get anything to happen playing around with different styles via the Chrome Dev Tools -Tried with a high z-index on the whole left column and position not static.
Ideally, we are after the following