I have added bryntum scheduler with tree type resource. When I search with the keyword which is find in parent level it does not return its child. It only show the parent value and hide the expandable arrow.
Could you please guide me how i can set the feature so that it return the all data beneath it.
I believe that's how is supposed to work. Cause you're using a tree structure, when you search for a child, you need to have all the parent structures displayed. But when you filter a parent node, you (in theory) won't need the information related to the child nodes.
Perhaps a possible workaround that you could try is to add an or condition with the name filter and search for parent (if exists) and compare the parent name also. You can see a snippet of how to use a function to filter here https://bryntum.com/products/scheduler/docs/api/Core/data/mixin/StoreFilter