Post by Terence »

Hi, can you please start a new forum thread for each new issue, else I am loosing track?

Did you upgrade the module? There is a new field added in project task. It seems your database did not pick it up. Probably it will resolve when you upgrade the module in the app section or uninstall the previous version first before installing the latest.

Post by visiniaga »

yes it already upgrade, uninstall is not an options as this will remove all field on the previous project timeline with bryntum

it have already showing option for the calendar in the settings.

Post by Terence »

I see. We removed the gantt_calendar field from project.task

gantt_calendar = fields.Selection([
        ('general', 'General'),
        ('business', 'Business'),
        ('night', 'Night shift')
    ], string="Gantt Calendar", default='general')

This field has been removed and is not used anymore in our module, that means you use it somewhere else. Not in our code

You can use instead of gantt_calendar in your code.

gantt_calendar_flex = fields.Char(string="Gantt Calendar Ids")

Can you please check where you have made modifications?

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