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Post by shruti@123 »

Hello team,

I want to add filter functionality on a custom dropdown field based on other custom field value inside feature property of bryntum library.?? Please help me out.

Shruti Singh

Post by tasnim »


Not sure, I got your question. Could you please explain a bit more detail what you're trying to achieve and what product you are using?

Post by shruti@123 »

Hello Tasnim,

I have a task editor inside feature property where i have added two custom field (dropdown). Now i want to populate one custom field value based on the other custom field value i.e., i want a filter functionality on that field. Example: i have selected a value from one custom filed now based on this value ,another custom field value will be populated.

Post by marcio »

Hey shruti,

If I understood correctly what you want to achieve, you can use the following snippet, just replace the respective tab and the fields that you're trying to listen to change to update the data

features: {
    taskEdit: {
      items: {
        advancedTab: {
          items: {
            effortDrivenField: {
              listeners: {
                action: ev => {
                  const calendarCombo = ev.source.parent.widgetMap.calendarField
                  // Load the items and assign them to the combo
                  tab.items = ["new item"]


Best regards,

Post by shruti@123 »

Hello Team,

I have added multiple custom field on editTask widget through combo feature . now i want to reset the value(blank) of all the field when i am clicking on new task button. but whenever am clicking on the button it showing the previous value. Can you help me with the solution.

Shruti Singh

Post by marcio »

Hey Shruti,

That looks like a different topic not related to the initial thread. We have a "one thread per topic" policy to maintain the order of forums, please let's keep the discussion in a new post.

Besides that, how are you configuring the custom fields with the editor? At first sight, by your description, you can use https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Gantt/widget/TaskEditor#event-beforeSetRecord or https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Gantt/widget/TaskEditor#event-beforeShow event listener to see which value is being set there.

Or use https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Gantt/widget/TaskEditor#event-beforeHide to access the widgetMap of the form https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Gantt/widget/TaskEditor#property-widgetMap and from there, clear the inputs manually.

Best regards,

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