Our powerful JS Calendar component

Post by janiquekamgx »

Hi Alex,

Thanks a lot for your reply. So following your information - I am still trying to bring the code from your Customized Resource Filter Demo, over to the Resources Grouped demo, to make sure I understand everything I need to do. I added some code thanks to your follow up comment, but so far I am still not successful.

in my code below (used here: https://bryntum.com/products/calendar/examples/date-resource/)
I observe using my console warn that the ID of the resources grouped by date is numbered.
I try to grab the first one, as a test. in place of grabbing by id hotel.

This still gives me no resource results. What else am I missing?

import { Calendar } from '../../build/calendar.module.js?473100';
import shared from '../_shared/shared.module.js?473100';

const calendar = new Calendar({
    appendTo : 'container',
    date     : new Date(2023, 3, 2),

// CrudManager arranges loading and syncing of data in JSON form from/to a web service
crudManager : {
    autoLoad : true,
    loadUrl  : 'data/data.json',
    listeners : {
        load() {
            const { resourceFilter, showUnassigned } = calendar.widgetMap;
                // Populate our resourceFilter with the resources available
                resourceFilter.store = calendar.resourceStore;
resourceFilter.value = [resourceFilter.store.getById('1')]; // Our custom resource filter. // We consult the resourceFilter and the showUnassigned switch. calendar.resourceFilter = calendar.eventStore.addFilter({ id : 'custom-filter', filterBy : event => event.resourceId ? resourceFilter.valueCollection.includes(event.resourceId) : showUnassigned.checked }); }, prio : 1000, once : true } }, resourceImagePath : '../_shared/images/users/', modes : { day : null, week : null, month : null, year : null, agenda : null, dayresource : { // Save a little space by hiding weekends. hideNonWorkingDays : true, // Configure a nice min-width for the resource columns minResourceWidth : '10em', // Demo uses more padding than default, switch to the short event duration "earlier" to fit contents shortEventDuration : '1 hour' } }, sidebar : { // Existing sidebar widgets can be customized and extra UI Widgets can be easily added too items : { datePicker : { tbar : { // Hide the next/prev year buttons for a bit cleaner UI items : { prevYear : false, nextYear : false } } }, // Override the default one. resourceFilter : { type : 'combo', multiSelect : true, listCls : 'custom-resource-filter', // The value is the records selected valueField : null, // What narrowing by typing works on displayField : 'name', // Show the list fixed below inlinePicker : true, listItemTpl : resource => StringHelper.xss` <div class="resource-list-text"> <div class="resource-name">${resource.name}</div> <div class="resource-type">${resource.type}</div> </div> `, listeners : { // "up." means resolve in ownership chain. Will call on the Calendar change : 'up.onFilterCriteriaChange', // We have to filter after the Calendar has processed the change prio : -1000 }, // We want the ChipView to scroll horizontally with no wrapping. chipView : { itemTpl : resource => StringHelper.xss`${resource.name}`, scrollable : { overflowX : 'hidden-scroll', overflowY : false }, style : { flexWrap : 'nowrap' } } } } }, tbar : { items : { hideEmptyresources : { type : 'checkbox', text : 'Hide unscheduled resources', weight : 600, checked : false, style : 'margin : 0 1em', // "up." means resolve in owner will call on the Calendar onChange : 'up.onHideEmptyResourcesChanged' }, showAvatars : { type : 'checkbox', text : 'Show avatar', weight : 600, checked : true, style : 'margin : 0 1em', // "up." means resolve in owner will call on the Calendar onChange : 'up.onShowAvatarsChanged' }, hideWeekends : { type : 'checkbox', text : 'Hide weekends', weight : 600, checked : true, style : 'margin : 0 1em', // "up." means resolve in owner will call on the Calendar onChange : 'up.onHideWeekendsChanged' }, viewWidth : { type : 'slider', text : 'Resource width', weight : 640, min : 4, max : 35, value : 10, width : 150, unit : 'em', showValue : false, showTooltip : true, onInput : 'up.onResourceWidthChanged' } } }, onHideEmptyResourcesChanged({ value }) { this.activeView.hideEmptyResources = value; }, onShowAvatarsChanged({ value }) { this.activeView.showHeaderAvatars = value; }, onHideWeekendsChanged({ value }) { this.activeView.hideNonWorkingDays = value; }, onResourceWidthChanged({ source : { unit }, value }) { this.activeView.minResourceWidth = `${value}${unit}`; } });

Post by Animal »

Post by janiquekamgx »


Sorry but for some reason your codepen link shows a blank rendered page for me. Could you double check the link?

Post by Animal »

Yeah it shows a strange error. No idea. These codepen things and this including of code. Don't know how it works.

Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 18.07.53.png
Screenshot 2023-12-27 at 18.07.53.png (243.81 KiB) Viewed 1934 times

Post by Animal »

I just changed it to use umd instead of module and it works now. Still don't understand.

Post by janiquekamgx »

Thanks for this! I noticed though that the headers (example Dan, Macy, Mark) for the day resource view don't show up, while they do work on the regular resource view. Could it be that there is an issue there with the day resource view and the custom resource header?

Post by Animal »

"Day" is just a DayView:

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 12.22.44.png
Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 12.22.44.png (46.51 KiB) Viewed 1595 times

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