I'm trying to create a new custom field in the Event Editor, I've followed the steps from the documentation:
const scheduler = new Scheduler({
features : {
eventEdit : {
items : {
equipment : {
// custom field configuration
volume : {
// custom field configuration
listeners : {
beforeEventEditShow({ editor, eventRecord }) {
equipmentCombo = editor.widgetMap.equipment,
volumeField = editor.widgetMap.volume;
// update data in combo list
equipmentCombo.items = this.equipmentStore.getRange();
// update field visibility state
volumeField.hidden = !eventRecord.hasVolume;
However, how am I supposed to know what the model that gets return from the following method call is structured?
My use case that I'm trying to implement is I need a dropdown field in the event editor where the values are gonna be objects with an id and a value field.
Can someone help me out, or point me in the right direction?