Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by ubaid khan »

Consider the following relation:


Notice in the following Contact Model I have a custom setter for name field and whenver I need to set value to this field I would expect it to be done through my custom name setter function.

class Contact extends Model {
    static get fields() {
       return [
         { name: "name", dataSource: "name" },

    set name(val) {
       // performing some custom logic
       this.set("name", val);

    get name(val) {
       return this.get("name");

I've following relation defined in EntityContact model class

class EntityContact extends Model {
    static relations = {
        contactRecord: {
          foreignKey: "contactId",
          foreignStore: "contactStore",
          relatedCollectionName: "entityContacts",
   // ... other fields definition not mentioned

The problem lies here when I try to set the nested field using the setter function of model expecting it that I would call my custom name setter function but it doesn't.

entityContactStore.first.set("contactRecord.name", "XYZ")

Post by ghulam.ghous »

Hi Ubaid,

Thanks for the detailed report. I have created a ticket here to investigate and fix this issue. You can subscribe to it to keep track of updates: https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/8890


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