The document mentioned the configuration attribute showAllDayHeader (ref: which seems to suggest that ALL DAY and MULTI DAY event displays are treated the same way in an all-or-nothing manner. Is there a way for me to display ALL DAY events at the week view header, while display MULTI DAY events span over week view columns?
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Configure the DayViews (WeekView is an opinionated DayView with range : '1 week'
) with
cellMapEventFilter : function(eventRecord) {
const { dayTime, hiddenNonWorkingDays, showAllDayHeader } = this;
// Filter in non-allDay events which coincide with our time range and which are not inside a hidden day
return (!eventRecord.allDay &&
// Event is eligible if it's within our view's day start/end range
dayTime.intersects(eventRecord) &&
// AND it's not in a hidden nonworking day
allDayEvents : {
// Filter in only allDay events. Reject interDay events
filter : function(eventRecord) {
return eventRecord.isAllDay;
This is off the top of my head, so we may need to iterate on this.
We'll have to get there slowly.
You need a subclass
class MyWeekView extends WeekView {
static type = 'myweek';
cellMapEventFilter(eventRecord) {
console.log('>>> cellMapEventFilter:', eventRecord, this);
return !eventRecord.allDay;
Then include that in your modes:
modes: {
week: {
type : 'myweek'
That might not completely do it. We might have to think more. But the this
will be correct.
Here's a ticket for this: