Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by valereimann »

I have a scheduler and when i move events, it snaps to 3, 7 ,11 (months). How it should.
When I resize an event it also snaps, but to 4, 8, 12.

I want that the resize also snap to 3, 7, 11.

My Config File has this:

timeResolution: { unit: 'month', increment: 4 }


  snap: true

My Start Date is:

new Date(2023, 2, 1)

So for the moving of Events it works, but not for the resize. Is there any solution to this?

Post by marcio »

Hey valereimann,

Thanks for reaching out.

Could you please provide a runnable test case and some recording of the behavior that you're experiencing? By the snippets that you provided, it's difficult to point out what could be causing that behavior.

Best regards,

Post by valereimann »

I can't really provide a runnable Test, but i can give more context:



[listeners]="schedulerProConfig.listeners" [snapRelativeToEventStartDate]="schedulerProConfig.snapRelativeToEventStartDate" [snap]="schedulerProConfig.snap" [columns]="schedulerProConfig.columns!" [height]="schedulerProConfig.height" [viewPreset]="viewPreset" [features]="schedulerProConfig.features" [createEventOnDblClick]="schedulerProConfig.createEventOnDblClick" [eventRenderer]="schedulerProConfig.eventRenderer" [overlappingEventSorter]="schedulerProConfig.overlappingEventSorter" [eventLayout]="schedulerProConfig.eventLayout" [rowHeight]="schedulerProConfig.rowHeight" [tbar]="schedulerProConfig.tbar" </bryntum-scheduler-pro>


export const configurationScheduler = new ViewPreset({
  snap: true,
  id: 'configurationSchedulerView',
  name: 'configurationSchedulerView',

  displayDateFormat: 'MM/YY',

  headers: [
      unit: 'year',
      dateFormat: 'YYYY'
      unit: 'month',
      dateFormat: 'M'

  timeResolution: {
    unit: 'month',
    increment: 4

export const schedulerProConfig: Partial<SchedulerProConfig> = {
  snapRelativeToEventStartDate: true,
  snap: true,
  resourceStore: {
    sorters: [
      {field: 'field7'}

  listeners: {
    beforeEventResizeFinalize: async ({context, eventRecord}) => {
        context.startDate, context.endDate, eventRecord._data.resourceId, false, undefined, eventRecord.id, eventRecord._data.name
    beforeEventDropFinalize: async ({context}) => {
        context.startDate, context.endDate, context.record._data.resourceId, false, undefined, context.record._data.id, context.record._data.name
    beforePaste: async ({eventRecords, assignmentRecords, resourceRecord}) => {
      const originalData = eventRecords["0"].originalData;
      const originalResourceId = assignmentRecords["0"].originalData.resourceId;

  return Component.updateData(
    originalData.startDate, originalData.endDate, resourceRecord._id, true, originalResourceId, originalData.name
beforeEventDelete: async ({eventRecords}) => {
  let originalDataId = eventRecords["0"].originalData.resourceId;
  Component.updateData(null, null, originalDataId, false, undefined);
beforeEventSave: async ({values}) => {
  let originalDataId = values.resource._id;

  if (Component.updateData(values.startDate, values.endDate, originalDataId, true, undefined)) {
    Component.events.add(new EventElement(values.resource._id, 'Hell', values.launchBack, values.startDate));
    const resourceToUpdate = Component.resourceStore.getById(originalDataId);
    resourceToUpdate.set('launchBack', values.launchBack);
    return true;
  return false;
height: '350px', createEventOnDblClick: true, fillLastColumn: false, features: { eventMenu: { items: { copyEvent: { text: 'Konfiguration kopieren' }, deleteEvent: { text: 'Konfiguration löschen' }, cutEvent: false, splitEvent: false } }, eventResize: true, scheduleTooltip: false, dependencies: { allowCreate: false }, scheduleMenu: { items: { addEvent: false } }, eventDragCreate: false, eventDrag: { constrainDragToResource: true }, eventDragSelect: false, taskEdit: false, tree: true, cellEdit: false, eventEdit: { items: { nameField: false, endTimeField: false, startTimeField: false, resourceField: { weight: 2 }, field2: { type: 'date', label: 'field2', name: 'field2', weight: 3, required: false }, field3: { label: 'field3', weight: 4 }, field4: { label: 'field4', weight: 5 }, field5: { type: 'combo', label: 'field5', weight: 5, items: ['A', 'P'] } } }, cellMenu: { items: { removeRow: false } } }, rowHeight: 50, eventLayout: { type: 'none' }, barMargin: 0, resourceMargin: 0, columns: [ { field: 'field6', text: '', width: 30, sortable: false, readOnly: true, type: 'template', // @ts-ignore template: ({record}) => { if (record.inconsistency === true) { return `<svg width="30px" id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" viewBox="0 0 122.89 111.55"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#b71616;}.cls-2{fill:#e21b1b;fill-rule:evenodd;}.cls-3{fill:#fff;}</style></defs><title>Inkonsistenz</title><path class="cls-1" d="M2.35,84.43,45.29,10.2l.17-.27h0a22.92,22.92,0,0,1,7-7.23A17,17,0,0,1,61.58,0a16.78,16.78,0,0,1,9.11,2.69,22.79,22.79,0,0,1,7,7.26c.,,22.22,0,0,1,2.37,10.19,17.59,17.59,0,0,1-2.16,8.35,16,16,0,0,1-6.94,6.61l-.58.26a21.34,21.34,0,0,1-9.11,1.74v0H17.62c-.23,0-.44,0-.66,0a18.07,18.07,0,0,1-6.2-1.15A16.46,16.46,0,0,1,3,104.26a17.59,17.59,0,0,1-3-9.58,23,23,0,0,1,1.57-8.74,8.24,8.24,0,0,1,.77-1.51Z"/><path class="cls-2" d="M9,88.76l43.15-74.6c5.23-8.25,13.53-8.46,18.87,0l42.44,73.7c3.38,6.81,1.7,16-9.34,15.77H17.62c-7.27.18-12-6.19-8.64-14.87Z"/><path class="cls-3" d="M57.57,82.7a5.51,5.51,0,0,1,3.48-1.58,5.75,5.75,0,0,1,2.4.35,5.82,5.82,0,0,1,2,1.31,5.53,5.53,0,0,1,1.62,3.55,6.05,6.05,0,0,1-.08,1.4,5.54,5.54,0,0,1-5.64,4.6,5.67,5.67,0,0,1-2.27-.52,5.56,5.56,0,0,1-2.82-2.94,5.65,5.65,0,0,1-.35-1.27,5.83,5.83,0,0,1-.06-1.31h0a6.19,6.19,0,0,1,.57-2,4.57,4.57,0,0,1,1.13-1.56Zm8.16-10.24c-.2,4.79-8.31,4.8-8.5,0-.82-8.21-2.92-29.39-2.85-37.1.07-2.38,2-3.79,4.56-4.33a12.83,12.83,0,0,1,5,0c2.61.56,4.65,2,4.65,4.44v.24L65.73,72.46Z"/></svg>`; } else { return ''; } } }, {field: 'field7', text: 'field7', width: 50, readOnly: true, sortable: false, cellCls: 'notChangable'}, {field: 'field8', text: 'field8', width: 90, sortable: false, readOnly: true, cellCls: 'notChangable'}, { collapseMode: 'toggleAll', collapsible: true, autoWidth: true, children: [ { field: 'field9', text: 'field9', width: 60, sortable: false, readOnly: true, cellCls: 'notChangable', // @ts-ignore renderer: ({value}) => { return convertDateValues(value); } }, { field: 'field10', text: 'field10', width: 100, sortable: false, readOnly: true, cellCls: 'notChangable', // @ts-ignore renderer: ({value}) => { let lciStrings: string = ''; value.forEach((e: any, index: number) => { if (e) { if (index > 0) { lciStrings += '/'; } lciStrings += convertDateValues(e); } }); return lciStrings; } }, { field: 'field11', text: 'field11', width: 60, sortable: false, readOnly: true, cellCls: 'notChangable', // @ts-ignore renderer: ({value}) => { return convertDateValues(value); } } ] }, { collapsible: true, collapseMode: 'toggleAll', autoWidth: true, children: [ { field: 'field2', text: 'field2', width: 70, sortable: false, readOnly: true, // @ts-ignore renderer: ({value}) => { return convertDateValues(value); } }, { field: 'field3', text: 'field3', width: 60, sortable: false, readOnly: true, // @ts-ignore renderer: ({value}) => { return convertDateValues(value); } }, { field: 'field4', text: 'field4', width: 70, sortable: false, readOnly: true, // @ts-ignore renderer: ({value}) => { return convertDateValues(value); } }, ] }, {field: 'field5', text: 'Status', width: 30, sortable: false, readOnly: true, cellCls: 'notChangable'} ] };

Post by alex.l »


I reproduced in our demos, thanks for the report. We will check that deeply.
Ticket https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/9751
You can subscribe on ticket updates to be notified when it's done.

All the best,

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