Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript
Hi Team
I am trying to filter out the data if my data conisists 3000+ pools then it is taking more time to filter so it is effecting the performance issue.Below is my code
const poolsSearch = debounce((props: any) => {
const { source, value } = props;
const valueLower = value.trim().toLowerCase();
const poolNoResources = intl.formatMessage({ id: 'PoolNoResources' }).toLowerCase();
const grid = source.up('grid');
const store = grid.store;
const container = source.up('container');
const { labelField } = container.widgetMap;
const totalPools = poolsGridRows.length;
if (!valueLower) {
labelField.html = intl.formatMessage({ id: 'ShowingPools' }, { 0: totalPools });
store.filterBy((record: any) => {
const recordNameLower = record.Name.toLowerCase();
if (filterBy === 'filterResources') {
return record.isResource && recordNameLower !== poolNoResources && recordNameLower.includes(valueLower);
return !record.isResource && recordNameLower.includes(valueLower);
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
labelField.html = intl.formatMessage({ id: 'ShowingOutOfTotalPools' }, { 0: store.getCount(), 1: totalPools });
}, 100);
type: 'text',
cls: ' b-pool-search b-textfield-custom',
ref: 'searchField',
triggers: {
plug: {
cls: 'b-fa b-fa-search b-fieldtrigger',
align: 'start',
listeners: {
input(props: any) {
Don't unfilter then filter the store. Both will cause a UI updte of course.
store filter({
id : 'my-unique-filter-id',
filterBy((record: any) => {
const recordNameLower = record.Name.toLowerCase();
if (filterBy === 'filterResources') {
return record.isResource && recordNameLower !== poolNoResources && recordNameLower.includes(valueLower);
return !record.isResource && recordNameLower.includes(valueLower);
That will replace any previous filter that was added by that id.
But thst should be pretty quick. If it's not, use the browser Performance tab and see where the time goes.
HI animal
The above code is working as expected but when I input any value it takes time to see the value in UI. Is there any solution instead of debouncing is there any other solution not knowing the lag between the keyboard and UI?
Hi animal
In the listeners I am passing input instead of input can we pass any other method to capture the input value because while passing the input it is taking time to capture the value and to show in the UI.
tbar: {
cls: 'b-pool-grid-toolbar',
items: [
type: 'container',
style: 'margin-top:auto',
items: [
type: 'text',
cls: ' b-pool-search b-textfield-custom',
ref: 'searchField',
triggers: {
plug: {
cls: 'b-fa b-fa-search b-fieldtrigger',
align: 'start',
listeners: {
input(props: any) {
type: 'label',
ref: 'labelField',
cls: 'b-pool-search-label',
content: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'ShowingPools' }, { 0: poolsGridRows.length }),
Hi animal
I used your code and it is working as expected but when I am trying to enter 1st letter it is working as expected but later with the second letter and removal of the letter I am seeing a delay in seeing the value in UI.
type: 'text',
cls: ' b-pool-search b-textfield-custom',
ref: 'searchField',
keyStrokeChangeDelay: 100,
triggers: {
plug: {
cls: 'b-fa b-fa-search b-fieldtrigger',
align: 'start',
listeners: {
change(props: any) {
const { source, value } = props;
const valueLower = value.trim().toLowerCase();
const poolNoResources = intl.formatMessage({ id: 'PoolNoResources' }).toLowerCase();
const grid = source.up('grid');
const store = grid.store;
const container = source.up('container');
const { labelField } = container.widgetMap;
const totalPools = poolsGridRows.length;
const filterId = 'pools-search-filter';
id: filterId,
filterBy: (record: any) => {
const recordNameLower = record.Name.toLowerCase();
if (filterBy === 'filterResources') {
return (
record.isResource &&
recordNameLower !== poolNoResources &&
return !record.isResource && recordNameLower.includes(valueLower);
labelField.html = valueLower
? intl.formatMessage({ id: 'ShowingOutOfTotalPools' }, { 0: store.getCount(), 1: totalPools })
: intl.formatMessage({ id: 'ShowingPools' }, { 0: totalPools });