Post by caalb »

Hey team,

first of all, thanks for all the updates in the last weeks. You fixed many important bugs for us. Great job.

I have a minor question:
How do I need to configure the calendar and hours per day to be intuitive on the interface?

We use 8h work days, Mon-Fri.

If I use "Default Calender" from the Odoo system the ressource scheduling looks fine, i.e., 8h per ressource per weekday and no ressources on weekends. However, the "Days" value on the Gantt is 1/3 of the actual days. I guess that it calculates with 24h work days minus the weekends in that case.

If I don't set the "Default Calendar" but use the "Calendar Configuration Object" calendars, the Gantt is fine but the ressource calendar uses 24h workdays and 7 days workweeks. The ressource limit graph shows no dip on weekends.

Sorry, I tried many configs but I don't get it to be consistent with human intutition, i.e. 8h work = 1 days not, 0.3 days, corresponding to the ressource view.

How do I have to set the configuration?

We are on Odoo 17 CE. Bryntum Gantt .

Many thanks in advance.

Post by nivl »

Hi caalb,

I've created a task and we're going to look into this for you.

We're going to keep you posted on the progress.


Post by caalb »

Hey Niels,

any news on this?


Post by nivl »

Hey Felix,

Yes, we've dived into this one and have found ourselves in an ocean of illogicality. We've gathered some ideas on how to fix this and are ticking them off. But it might take a bit to get there. Once we got the fix, I'll inform you. In the meantime, we're trying to find our way to the solution.


Post by caalb »

Hi Niels,

:D Looking forward to your solution.
Thanks for all the hard work.


Post by caalb »

Hey guys,

any "developments"? ;)

Post by nivl »

Hi Felix,

No, not yet 🙃. We ran into some things we haven't been able to solve yet. But we're going to keep on trying.


Post by caalb »

Hey guys,

any updates on this?

Post by nivl »

Hi Felix,

Sadly not yet. It's a hard thing to catch, this one. We need to sit down and wrestle with it for a while, but we haven't found the time to do so yet as other bugs and requests get in the way. We're still planning on fixing this, of course, but I can't provide an ETA as of yet.


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