Hi Team,
We have a store configured with all the required urls' this url has a string which has to be replaced before every request with a global variable we are storing
I was listening to the beforeRequest & beforeLoad events to set replace the readUrl string with the actual selected ID like below:
while debugging the source code i can see that the readURL is having the updated after replacing string in above line
But when the request goes to the server i dont see that replace happening its taking the delId string in the url which is causing REST error.
could you pls help me with this
const store= new AjaxStore({
modelClass: model,
id: 'store',
listeners: {
afterRequest ( source, params) {
beforeLoad({source, params}){
beforeRequest({ source, params, body, action }){
readUrl: sample/delId/child/sample1?totalResults=true&limit=500",
useRestfulMethods : true,
httpMethods : {
update : 'PATCH',
delete : 'DELETE'
createUrl: sample/delId/child/sample1",
deleteUrl: sample/delId/child/sample1",
updateUrl: sample/delId/child/sample1",
headers: {
'Authorization': sample.authorization,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Accept-Language': sample.faLocale,
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'GET, POST, OPTIONS'
the above is a representation of our store code
and we are loading the store like this
await store.load()
even after changing the readURL in the beforeLoad & beforeRequest, the request url which actually gets executed is the readURL which is configured to the store
expectation : sample/111111111/child/sample1?totalResults=true&limit=500",
current behaviour : sample/delId/child/sample1?totalResults=true&limit=500", (this is wrong it throws the REST error)