Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by davegould41 »

Hi team,

I'm trying to prevent print from opening as a popup and instead open the contents in a new tab.
Im using the scheduler.features.print.showPrintDialog(); API

I see there's a config for openInNewTab but that doesnt seem to work, here is the config I'm using for the printFeature

        paperFormat: "Letter",
        orientation: "landscape",
        exporterType: "singlepage",
        rowsRange: "all",
        scheduleRange: "currentview",
        openInNewTab: true,
        exportDialog: {
            items: {
                columnsField: { hidden: true },
                rowsRangeField: { hidden: true }

Post by marcio »

Hey ,

Thanks for reaching out.

I tested that openInNewTab config in our demo https://bryntum.com/products/grid/examples/export/ and it worked correctly. When set to true, the PDF opens in a new tab, and when it's false, the PDF opens on the same page.

When you say I'm trying to prevent print from opening as a popup do you mean the export PDF options or the generated PDF itself?

Best regards,

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