Hello Bryntum Team,
I am encountering an issue with the code provided in the property booking example. I am having trouble getting the subGridConfigs usage to function correctly. When the key is present in the scheduler props, it causes the page to break. Additionally, I noticed that the key is only used in the config file, not in the JSX above the DOM tree.
I have created a screen share to demonstrate the problem. You can view it below.
Screen Share:
Could you please take a look at the error message that is being thrown? I am not certain if this information will be useful, but I am hoping that someone can assist me in identifying any mistakes I may have made or if there is a bug in the library itself.
Thank you in advance.
Uncaught Error: Id b-scheduler-1-lockedSubgrid already in use
at SubGrid.registerInstance (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:12201:13)
at SubGrid.updateId (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:12176:9)
at SubGrid.updateId (chunk-PVOU4662.js?v=e9a6d642:9992:11)
at SubGrid.set (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:2716:52)
at SubGrid.get (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:2748:18)
at SubGrid.changeElement (chunk-PVOU4662.js?v=e9a6d642:9547:16)
at SubGrid.changeElement (chunk-66N2ZXM5.js?v=e9a6d642:9047:18)
at SubGrid.set (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:2707:44)
at SubGrid.get (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:2748:18)
at SubGrid.getConfig (chunk-X65ZTVLL.js?v=e9a6d642:3824:21)