HI Team,
I want to show a popup kind of tooltip which stays until user closes on clicking of resource context menu item.
Hi Kiran,
I will assume that you have already added the menu item, you then have some different options to achieve what you want:
First, listen for the https://bryntum.com/products/scheduler/docs/api/Scheduler/view/Scheduler#eventhandler-onCellMenuItem event (onCellMenuITem) which gets triggered when user clicks a menu item in the cell menu.
Then, either:
A) Use an Angular popup of your choice to display the info that you need.
B) Use vanilla JavaScript in the listener to open one of our popups with the info that you need.
For A, how to do it depends on what popup you will use, and that is outside of our expertise.
For B, your listener's code would be something like this:
onCellMenuItem({ source, item, column, record }) {
const popup = new Popup({
centered : true,
title : 'My popup',
html : 'Hello',
closable : true
Docs for Popup here: https://bryntum.com/products/scheduler/docs/api/Core/widget/Popup