Our powerful JS Calendar component

Post by prasath »

Is it possible to render a React component in the eventRenderer function in Month mode?

Post by prasath »

Hi ,
PFA the screenshots for reference.

requirement for custom rendering.png (4.97 KiB) Viewed 318 times
method used in code
method used in code
custom rendering 1.png (57.2 KiB) Viewed 318 times
method 2
method 2
custom rendering 2.png (70.13 KiB) Viewed 318 times

review and suggest us if any other way to render or correct us if any implementation is required further.

Post by tasnim »


JSX is not supported in Calendar's eventRenderer. We already have a feature request for this here https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/7340
For now please use the regular way.
I'll mention that you've asked for this feature request to increase the priority.

Best regards,

Post by prasath »

Hi Tasnim,
Thanks for the update.By the way how can we atleast render a normal html tag like structure if we want to show atleast a div element inside to show badge like item.Can you show a way to implement.Refer the image attached above for requirment.

Post by tasnim »


Sure, Please check the code snippet below

			eventRenderer() {
				return '<div style="font-size:20px; font-weight:bold;">Hello</div>';

And here is codepen demo for you https://codepen.io/dv-auntik/pen/YzoxbPY?editors=0010 so that you can see live results.

Best regards,

Post by Animal »

It appears you already know about eventRenderer. It is fully documented at https://bryntum.com/products/calendar/docs/api/Calendar/widget/mixin/EventRenderer#config-eventRenderer

With lots of information and code snippets:

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 15.23.54.png
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 15.23.54.png (594.89 KiB) Viewed 293 times

You can return an HTML string, or, simpler, a DomConfig object which represents DOM structure in a simple way. And Use CSS classes in there and your OWN CSS to make it look like you want:

Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 15.19.42.png
Screenshot 2024-08-09 at 15.19.42.png (959.08 KiB) Viewed 293 times

Post by prasath »

Thanks Animal we have tried to customize to some extent.But its working now .

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