Hi, I am evaluating bryntum grid.
We have hierarchical data (3 levels: 2 parent level and 1 leaf level). I use Vue3 with Vite.
I am desperately and without success trying to setup TreeGrid with lazyLoad. When I activate both
tree : true,
lazyLoad: true,
bryntum grid hangs and stays showing the "loadMask" message.
I added eventHandler to see what bryntum is doing. There is not even fired a http request. I see the "onLazyLoadStarted" event happening but nothing else. onBeforeRequest is never triggered.
I don't see a request on the server nor do I see a request in the browsers developer tools network panel.
When I set lazyLoad: false (and let the server render all levels of data) the tree grid shows great.
What can I do? Is there a respective sample? How can I debug? I have spent hours but I don't see how to fix. Thank you for any hint.
My setup is straight forward:
const store = new AjaxStore({
modelClass : MyModelClass,
readUrl : 'http://localhost:8080/read/view/an/allgemein/p-h-1',
autoLoad : true,
tree : true,
lazyLoad: { chunkSize: 150 },
onLazyLoadStarted({ source }) {
onLazyLoadEnded({ source }) {
onBeforeRequest({ source, params }) {
onBeforeLoad({ source }) {
onLoadStart({ source, response }) {
const useGridConfig = () => {
return {
selectionMode : {
row : true,
checkboxOnly : false
stateId : 'taesy-tree-grid',
animateTreeNodeToggle : false,
cellEditFeature : false,
filterBarFeature : false,
rowReorderFeature : false,
stripeFeature : true,
treeFeature : true,
autoHeight : false,
height : scrollHeight,
rowHeight : 25,
rowResizeFeature : false,
loadMask: 'Einen Moment bitte...',
columns : [
id: 1,
text : 'Node Label',
field : 'nodeLabel',
width : 300,
type : 'tree',
locked : true,
touchConfig : { editor : false },
readOnly: true, filterable: false,
{ id: 2, field: 'tag', text: 'Tag' },
//more columns...