Could you explain better how $input works? I don't know how it should be handled in the backend. In "added" we return the elements that have been added to the database? and in "$input.added" we return it exactly as we received it?
Support Forum
Hey devcat,
Thanks for reaching out. We have a section about that here https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/guide/Gantt/revisions/protocol#preparing-server-revision
We covered first two steps in the previous sections. Last step is to process the changes object and replace references to phantom id everywhere: in the optional $input object and in the record fields.
When $input exists, it will always contain a subset of the project changes.
It needs to be the same info as the added
property, but not be to all the objects.
Best regards,
is recorded user changes, it contains changes actually made by the user. Store changes without the $input
is a complete set of changes on the store, including user input + calculations made by the engine. You need to persist the changes omitting $input
key and you need to propagate the received message.
This is covered in this section of the guide: https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/guide/Gantt/revisions/protocol#persisting-the-data