Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by rakshith.snps »

Hi, We noticed tool bar items have a checkbox when you look at them through the hamburger menu UI.
this is a bit odd as all the items have it. this was not present in our previous version 5.6.6.

in the older versions ,the UI of the items inside the hamburger menu looked the same if they were outside.
but now, lets say if you move a toggle switch element inside the hamburger menu, it would just have a checkbox next to it.

is this intentional ? is there a way where we could get the older UI behavior.

I can see this UI in Online Examples and Salesforce Example.

To Reproduce it, You can reduce the width of toolbar so a hamburger menu appears.

hamburger.gif (328.16 KiB) Viewed 288 times

Post by alex.l »

Hi, that's a bug, we will fix it asap. Here is a ticket
You can subscribe on ticket updates to be notified when it's done.

Thank you for the report!

All the best,

Post by rakshith.snps »

Hi Alex, although bug status is fixed.
when i upgraded to v6.0.5 I was able to reproduce it
And i can still see the bug in online examples.

These are the cases where i found the checkbox next to UI items.

  1. In the hamburger menu of gantt tool bar, the checkbox is next to 'featuresButton'.
  2. when I try to add a toggle switch after or before the features Button item. even the toggle switch as the check box appearance.
UMGANTT-2257.gif (973.45 KiB) Viewed 183 times


Post by Animal »

That's a SlideToggle widget. It's purpose is to be in a checked or unchecked state.

So when converted to be a MenuItem, it has to be a checkable/uncheckable MenuItem

Post by Animal »

But the Settings button being converted to a checkable MenuItem is a bug:

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