Our flexible Kanban board for managing tasks with drag drop

Post by amit.sharma »

we call the custom function to click on bibli ( name field ) in the task



<div class="b-taskboard-taskitem b-taskboard-text b-editable" data-role="item-name" data-field="name" data-ref="text" role="presentation" style="">bibli</div>

we add

    this.taskboard.on('taskclick', ({ taskRecord, event }) => {
if (event.target.matches('.b-taskboard-text')) { this.goPage(taskRecord); } });

but there are two div that contain the same class
description also contains the same class

<div class="b-taskboard-taskitem b-taskboard-text b-editable" data-role="item-description" data-field="description" data-ref="text" role="presentation" style="">James Packard</div>

so can we add custom class to name field

Post by tasnim »


You can add a custom class to the name text using taskRenderer https://bryntum.com/products/taskboard/docs/api/TaskBoard/view/TaskBoardBase#config-taskRenderer

    taskRenderer({ cardConfig }) {
        cardConfig.children.header.children.text.class['hello'] = true

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