If a normal project user (not a project manager) edit a task and change the duration days, he gets project.project access error, cause in any reason on task write it will also write project.project_start_date and project.name field.
I made a small workaround in models/project_task.py, see attachment.
Another issue i found is changing assigned resources unit for a task.
Eg. if adding two employees and set unit for each to 50%, on reloading BryntumGantt it goes back to 100%.
I found that one time it will save that data in the controller and second time in task write method.
In both situation, existing assigned resources are unlinked and re-created again.
In task write method it adds it with default 100%:
In the controller, it will do it correct:
My workaround: comment the code in write method.
Hope it's clear explained and can be fixed.