Our flexible Kanban board for managing tasks with drag drop

Post by amit.sharma »

if the user clicks the Cancel button or cross button (╳)


it shows an empty card

When the user clicks the cancel button, this card should be hidden.

We open a modal for both adding and editing tasks.

    taskEdit: {
      editorConfig: {
        title: 'Edit Opportunity',
        autoUpdateRecord: false,
        defaults: {
          labelWidth: '30%',
        width: '35em',
      items: {
        name: {
          disabled: true,
          label: 'Organization',
        opportunityService: {
          type: 'combo',
          items: [],
          name: 'opportunityService',
          label: 'Service',
          weight: 200,
          required: true,
        resources: {
          label: 'Team Member',
          weight: 400,
          multiSelect: false,
        estmargin: {
          type: 'text',
          label: 'EST Margin (per month)',
          name: 'estimatedMargin',
          disabled: true,
          weight: 500,
        color: null,
        description: {
          weight: 600,
          label: 'Subtitle'
      processItems({ feature, items, taskRecord }) {
        const customerName = feature.owner.customerName;
        feature._editorConfig.title = 'Edit Opportunity';
        if (taskRecord.originalData.name == 'New task') {
          feature._editorConfig.title = 'Add Opportunity';
          delete items.estmargin;
        taskRecord.set('name', customerName);
        items.opportunityService.items =

Post by alex.l »

All the best,

Post by stewart_wo »

Which event will fire when the user clicks the header cross button?

Post by tasnim »


As Alex mentioned that you can use https://bryntum.com/products/taskboard/docs/api/Core/widget/Popup#event-toolClick event to achieve it.

Here is an example code snippet for you

    features : {
        taskEdit : {
            editorConfig : {
                listeners : {
                    toolClick(props) {

Post by stewart_wo »

How can we access our component function from the config file?

config file

    features : {
        taskEdit : {
            editorConfig : {
                listeners : {
                    toolClick(props) {

component code

 ngAfterViewInit(): void {
      this.taskboard = this.taskboardComponent.instance;
  this.taskboard.on('beforeCancel', ({ source  }) => {  
  this.taskboard.on('beforeTaskEdit', ({ taskRecord }) => {
    this.dummyTask = taskRecord;

Post by tasnim »

You can define the taskEdit feature inside the Class too

First, you'd need to add it at the top of the class

export class AppComponent {
    taskEditFeature = {
        editorConfig : {
            listeners : {
                toolClick(props) {

And then you'd need to assign it to the markup

    [taskEditFeature] = "taskEditFeature"

Hope it helps.

Post by stewart_wo »

Do we have something like this

this.taskboard.on('toolClick', ({ taskRecord}) => {

here in angular component file?

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
      this.loaderService.initializeLoader(this.viewContainer, this.cdRef),
    ]).then(() => {
      const styleElement = this.renderer.createElement('style');
      const cssText = `.b-taskboard-column-header::after { background-image: url('${this.serverUrl}/assets/images/right_arrow.svg') }`;
this.taskboard = this.taskboardComponent.instance; this.taskboard.on('taskclick', ({ taskRecord, event }) => { if (event.target.matches('.task_edit_action')) { this.taskboard.editTask(taskRecord); } if (event.target.matches('.task_delete_action')) { this.handleTaskDelete(taskRecord); } }); this.taskboard.on('beforeSave', ({ source, editor, record, values }) => { this.updateTaskRecord({ record, values }); }); this.taskboard.columns.on('remove', ({ records }) => { this.removeColumn(records); }); this.taskboard.on('toolClick', ({ taskRecord}) => { this.taskboard.removeTask(taskRecord); }); }); }

for removing the task while click on editPopup close icon.

Post by tasnim »

Here is how you can remove the task on click on the close icon

    taskEditFeature = {
        editorConfig : {
            listeners : {
                toolClick(props: any) {
                    const { source } = props;
                    const taskEditor = source.up();
                    const taskboard = source.up('taskboard');

Post by stewart_wo »

Thanks .... this is working.

Is there any similar listeners which we can used for remove the task on cancel button click as well in popup?

Post by tasnim »

To suggest an exact approach, need to see how your code looks like for cancel button. For buttons there is a click listener which you can listen to and put your logic there https://bryntum.com/products/taskboard/docs/api/Core/widget/Button#event-click

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