Support for our reactive computational engine

Post by srbadinas »

Hi, how do I integrate the engine into my React app? I can't find the guide about on how to install it using npm. Is there supposed to be another way to install it?

Post by nickolay »


You are not supposed to use Chronograph or the engine directly into your React app, because it does not contain all functionality. Instead, just use regular Bryntum package and instantiate necessary classes from the data layer.

Post by srbadinas »

Thanks for the quick response.

So where does it supposed to be used?

Post by nickolay »

Originally, it was supposed to be used standalone, however certain features have been implemented in the Bryntum products directly. So currently using it won't provide the full API as described in docs.

Post by srbadinas »

So the engine is like totally unusable?

Post by mats »

Not if you license Bryntum's products. Can you please describe your use case? Are you looking to use the engine in node js?

Post by srbadinas »

Well, I have a list of tasks with duration that doesn't have dates in them and I planning on using the engine to fill up the days on each resource.

Post by mats »

Ok sounds like it'd be easy to do this using the engine in Node

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