Premium support for our pure JavaScript UI components

Post by jimmycallin »


React 19 was just released in stable, and my initial trial to upgrade failed on Bryntum rendering. Would be great if you could prioritize React 19 support (unless you already do support React 19 and there is something else spooky happening for me).

See screenshot for my error message. Let me know if you have trouble reproducing it and I'll dig deeper.


Skärmavbild 2024-12-05 kl. 21.04.10.png
Skärmavbild 2024-12-05 kl. 21.04.10.png (973.79 KiB) Viewed 287 times

Post by marcio »

Hey jimmycallin,

Thanks for reaching out.

We're checking our demos and we don't have this error.

Could you please provide a runnable test case so we can check what's happening there?

Best regards,

How to ask for help? Please read our Support Policy

Post by jimmycallin »


I managed to pin it down to having a tree column renderer outputting a react node. Please see my attached example. You can see in the logs that the same error message as previously reported occurs. If you downgrade to React 18, it works.

      type: "tree",
      renderer: () => <HelloWorld />,

Hope this helps!

Post by jimmycallin »

Forgot the file :)

(580.34 KiB) Downloaded 10 times

Post by sergey.maltsev »


Thank you for the details.
We are working on a fix here

You can try this workaround until that fixed
Add this code replacing DomHelper.isReactElement static method somewhere in your app.

import { DomHelper } from '@bryntum/core-thin';

// @ts-ignore
DomHelper.isReactElement = element => {
    return element?.$$typeof === Symbol.for('react.element') || element?.$$typeof === Symbol.for('react.transitional.element');

Post by jimmycallin »

initial impression is that the workaround seems to be working - great, thanks!

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