Hi team,
I don't see toolkit to have a Row Editor. I hope I'm wrong, otherwise it's a blocker for us, as we use it in many places in our app and would be great to have it in the next release/s. Please let me know.
No there is no row editor, only cell editors. I can open a feature request on it, but it is not a common request and thus not likely to be added any time soon. We are though open for a discussion on implementing it as a sponsored feature if it is important for you. If that is the case, please reach out to our Professional Services (https://bryntum.com/services)
EDIT: Feature request opened here: https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/8305
@vadim_g What sort of UX would you be looking for? A drawer docked on the right side of the screen, as seen here? https://dribbble.com/shots/22991733-HR-Dashboard-Employee-Management
Hi Mats,
That design looks great and nice, suitable for Views where Grid is central and big, but it's not suitable for small Grids in Dialog Forms, where we are having a few columns only. We are trying to migrate from Sencha and our clients are used to the Modern Row Editor UX, and we built a similar one in Bryntum already. But still, we are far away of a complete migration.