Hi Team,
In the taskEdit popup, there is a lov . When user selects a value from that lov, the task's changes should be committed no matter if user clicks save or cancel here after. Since taskstore is associated to crudManager, I see that the taskstore.commit() is not invoking the REST API. I've set the autocommit to true and tried by defining payload in beforeRequest event listener.
but i see that the changes are reflected only after page refresh, I need the change available during re-open of popup itself. How can i get this done.
Requirement: If user changes value in a combo box from A->B, on re-open of popup, A is shown but on page reload B is shown. B needs to be shown on popup re-open
Any pointers to this?
Issue: changes to taskStore is not getting reflected immediately after the commit(). it is reflected only on page refresh