Our state of the art Gantt chart

Post by kosmos1 »

is there a way set gantt row height as auto(based on grid content)?
and also allow row resizing with auto height(if it is important)

currently i have tried setting

    features: {
        rowResize: true,
    fixedRowHeight: false,

but height is not adjusted, on row resizing is broken as it seems


import { Gantt, StringHelper } from '../../build/gantt.module.js?481974';
import shared from '../_shared/shared.module.js?481974';

new Gantt({
    appendTo          : 'container',
    dependencyIdField : 'sequenceNumber',
    rowHeight         : 45,
    tickSize          : 45,
    barMargin         : 8,
    project           : {
        autoSetConstraints : true, // automatically introduce `startnoearlier` constraint if tasks do not use constraints, dependencies, or manuallyScheduled
        autoLoad           : true,
        transport          : {
            load : {
                url : '../_datasets/launch-saas.json'

    columns : [
        { type : 'name', width : 250 },
        { type : 'name', width : 250 },

    // Custom task content, display task name on child tasks
    taskRenderer({ taskRecord }) {
        if (taskRecord.isLeaf && !taskRecord.isMilestone) {
            return StringHelper.encodeHtml(taskRecord.name);
    features: {
        rowResize: true,
    fixedRowHeight: false,

Post by tasnim »


Thanks for the report. We'll investigate it. Here is the ticket to track progress https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/10670

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