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Post by xjpmauricio »

Hi, i have a page with two Schedulers. When i drop from child to main scheduler the child scheduler event looses it's tooltip. It only shows again when i reload the page.
I'm removing and inserting a record on the child scheduler to update the store. Might here be the place were i'm loosing tooltip information?
Here's how it looks:
Capture.JPG (18.61 KiB) Viewed 4802 times
Tooltip configuration on child Scheduler:
tooltipTpl: ttTplRotation.compile(),
                tipCfg: {
                    mouseOffset : [5,-50],
                    cls : 'sch-tip',
                    trackMouse: true,
                    showDelay: 0,
                    autoHide : true,
                    width : Ext.isIE ? 300 : undefined
Tooltip renderer:
            var ttTplRotation = new function(){
                return new Ext.XTemplate(
                    '<table width="100%" class="eventTip">' + 
                    '  <tr style="display:{[values.Rotation.RotationCrewRanks.length == 0 ? "block" : "none"]};">' + 
                    '    <td colspan="2" style="color:red;"><b>Unassignable Rotation.<br>Please edit Rotation crew ranks.</b></td>' + 
                    '  </tr>' + 
                    '  <tr style="display:{[ values.Rotation.RotationCrewRanks.length == 0 ? "none" : (values.Rotation.IsRotationCrewAssignmentComplete ? "block" : "none") ]};">' + 
                    '    <td colspan="2" style="color:green;"><b>Rotation Crew assignment is complete</b></td>' + 
                    '  </tr>' + 
                    '  <tr>' + 
                    '    <td colspan="2" class="icon-task"><b>{Title}</b>{[values.Description ? ( values.eventTypeId == EventType.Rotation ? "" : (" (" + values.Description + ")")) : ""]}</td>' + 
                    '  </tr>' + 
                    '  <tr class="icon-clock">' + 
                    '    <td width="20%">Start:</td>' + 
                    '    <td>{[values.StartDate.format("Y-m-d G:i")]}</td>' + 
                    '  </tr>' + 
                    '  <tr class="icon-clock">' + 
                    '    <td width="20%">End:</td>' + 
                    '    <td>{[values.EndDate.format("Y-m-d G:i")]}</td>' + 
                    '  </tr>' + 

Post by xjpmauricio »

Hi, in tooltipTpl, if i set autoHide to false the tooltip no longer disapears. But that's not ok because the tooltip persists after mouseout.

Any ideias?

Post by mats »

Hmm, any chance you could create an online sample I can try out? That'd make it a lot easier to help you solve this issue...

Post by xjpmauricio »

well...i'd love to but i think i'd be fired by my boss on the same minute! :?

Post by mats »

Ok, not sure how I can help you..? I'll some way of testing this...

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