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Post by SIM-LTD »


As per the online demo ( ) we can Add a new Tab in the TaskEditor.

Once the new tab is defined and also registered in ( BryntumWidgetAdapterRegister ), programmatically;
is it then possible to add "ExtraItems" afterwards, via "editorConfig" ?

Look our screenshot, to see what we would like to achieve.

So far, we did not succeed to add "ExtraItems" in a newly registered Tab. what would be the approach?

Thank you
Capture d’écran 2019-10-04 à 10.16.15.png
Capture d’écran 2019-10-04 à 10.16.15.png (197.35 KiB) Viewed 18117 times
Capture d’écran 2019-10-04 à 10.23.01.png
Capture d’écran 2019-10-04 à 10.23.01.png (130.55 KiB) Viewed 18117 times

Post by saki »

We have not (yet) tested this combination assuming that when the tab is custom then it won't need any further customization as it can be configured as required in the first place. `extraItems` was originally meant for the default built-in tabs. Nevertheless, this combination might work too. Let us know please if you run into troubles with it.

Post by SIM-LTD »


Thank you for your answer. Just want to let you know that combination does not work at all.
As you can see from our screenshot, based on your online demo, adding an extra Item in a configured new Tab, does not render the extra item.

Our goal is to have a default Tab (defined and registered) but according to specific workFlow, Extra Items may be added.
Then in order to avoid setting all Items (widget) at the first place in the Tab and then playing with hidden properties, We would much prefer
to add extra items on the fly.

Then we have first tried with the online demo ( ) and add just a simple ExtraItems;
But this does not work.

Hence, are you sure that combination works? or are we missing something

Thank you

Post by saki »

I've analyzed the code and it shows that extraItems can only be used in combination with the built-in tabs. For custom tabs some another approach could be used, for example, dynamically hiding or showing the widgets on a custom tab.

Post by SIM-LTD »


Thank for having taken some time to dig this out.
We as well though that, this was not compatible.

But the solution of hiding/showing is not really efficient and make the custom tab to heavy.
Since, according to a specific workflow, some items (widget) will be displayed, So we would have prefered avoiding to set a mass of code for testing which widget to be displayed or hidden... Which we sure you'll agree, is not practical and easy to maintain that coding.

Hence, it is too bad :( , having a custom Tab that could at some point be considered as build-in Tab, so as to use "ExtraItem" to add some extra widget, would have been great.. anyway. Could this be in your pipeline of new enhancement?

Thank you

Post by saki »

Post by pshdevs »

Hi! How are you? We would like to have something similar to this. We are trying to add a button to our custom files tab (we copied from the example) and are no able to do so. Is there a way we are missing? We see the filestab extends from Grid and that's probably the issue since the grid doesn't have buttons, but we can't find the correct class to extend from. Any help would be highly appreciated.


Post by saki »

Hello pshdevs,

your topic is slightly different from the original poster's one so create please a new thread with the above question and post also your code there. Shortly, it shouldn't depend on the Grid being extended but you should be able to add anything you need to your custom tab.

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