Our pure JavaScript Scheduler component

Post by smo338_brynturm »

Hi,We are using Bryntum scheduler in our project.We are facing an issue on drop function.Will share below the code which we used to get the date value.Actually it was working on trial version .After updating the licenced version js,we are facing the issue .Can you please provide the solution for the problem?
//Code snippet
function onDropFunction() {
drop: function (event, ui) {
jobname = ui.helper.context.attributes.jobname.nodeValue;
console.log("drop event event ===" + sch);
var ddStdate = sch.getDateFromDomEvent(event);
accept: "#ISG-ISG_dragpla",
classes: {
"ui-droppable-active": "ui-state-active",
"ui-droppable-hover": "ui-state-hover"

In above code,we are using sch.getDateFromDomEvent(event); to get the start date on drop event.But its returning null value now .Please assist us.

Thanks ,

Post by saki »

Can you please post a complete runnable showcase that we can start and debug?

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