Our powerful JS Calendar component

Post by abhi »

I have created external container which are drag-able. But when dropped on any date i should be able to edit that item. I m able to detect the dragged and dropped container but date detected is wrong. Below is code i have used to detect date for cordinates.

scheduler = new Scheduler();

      dragstart: this.onDragStart.bind(this),
      drop: this.onDragDrop.bind(this)

onDragStart({context}: any) {}

onDragDrop({context, source}: any) {
    let cord = DomHelper.getTranslateX(context.element);
    let dateTime = this.scheduler.getDateFromCoordinate(cord, 'round', false);
    console.log("dateTime", dateTime);
    if (context.grabbed) {
      // Trigger edit

Post by mats »

Can you please upload a full runnable test case? And ideally a short video showing what you expect vs what date value you get.

Post by abhi »


In above GIF you can observe that from left sidebar. Dragged container are drop on Feb month dates but it is considering as March dates. I have used below code to identify date from context grabbed.

onDragDrop({context, source}: any) {
    let cord = DomHelper.getTranslateX(context.element);
    let dateTime = this.scheduler.getDateFromCoordinate(cord, 'round', false);
    console.log("dateTime", dateTime);
    if (context.grabbed) {
      // Trigger edit

Post by Animal »

That’s not actually dragging.

You need to configure on the externalEventSource feature, and ensure you tell it how to create the potential event from the dragged element,

Post by Animal »

Post by abhi »

I have tried externalEventSource, it is not converting itemsSelector into draggable. Later started using dragHelper.

// dragging element within container
    let dragHelper = new DragHelper({
      cloneTarget : true,
      mode    : 'translateXY',
      // Only allow drops on scheduled tasks
      dropTargetSelector : '.b-calendar-cell',
      // Only allow dragging cell elements inside on the equipment grid
      targetSelector     : '.schedule-list .list-row'

By above code(dragHelper), i m able to trigger custom editEvent. But getting wrong date when trying to get from getDateFromCoordinate

Post by mats »

Trying to piece together the bits of info here. Your screenshot shows Calendar, yet your code bits show:

scheduler = new Scheduler();
this.scheduler.getDateFromCoordinate(cord, 'round', false);

We need some clarification of what components you are using, a runnable test case would be ideal

Post by abhi »

Sorry for the confusion. I was trying out an example code where there were using scheduler to get datetime.

I m using only calendar component and dragHelper to get grabbed selectorId.
Will create runnable test project and share with guys.

Post by Animal »

So you are in fact using Calendar?

In that case, do not write any code like that at all.

It's much easier than that.

Just use the externalEventSource feature.

features : {
    externalEventSource : {
        // The id of the element to drag from.
        dragRootElement : 'event-source',

        // Identify draggable elements
        dragItemSelector : '.some-selector',

        // Create an event when a drag is started on one of the elements
        getRecordFromElement(element) {
            // Return an object from which an EventModel can be created.
            // Same format as loading an EventStore. { name : 'name', startDate: ''} etc
            return { name : whatever }

You just have to create an object which is the basis for a new event. Minimally it can just contain the name. After that, it all Just Works.

Post by abhi »

Thanks @Animal & @mats for responding. But externalEventSource feature was not satisfying my requirement. But found alternate solution using DragHelper itself. Just posting the solution if some one else also have similar needs.

// dragging element within container
    let dragHelper = new DragHelper({
      cloneTarget : true,
      mode    : 'translateXY',
      // Only allow drops on scheduled tasks
      dropTargetSelector : '.b-calendar-cell',
      // Only allow dragging cell elements inside on the equipment grid
      targetSelector     : '.schedule-list .list-row'
dragHelper.on({ drop: this.onDragDrop.bind(this) }) onDragDrop({ context, event}: any) { // @ts-ignore let dateTime = this.calendar.getDateFromDomEvent(event); if (context.grabbed) { let newDate = moment(dateTime).format("YYYY-MM-DD"); let newHour = moment(dateTime).format("hh:mm"); // Trigger custom model } context.finalize(true); }

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