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Post by zombeerose »

The waitForComponentNotVisible method does not appear to be working correctly for Ext Windows because the element is not hidden.
StartTest(function (t) {
    var Ext = t.getExt();
    var cmp = Ext.create('Ext.window.Window',{
        height: 100,
        width: 100,
        closable: true,
        closeAction: 'hide'

Siesta 1.1.0 beta1
Ext 4.0.7 for Siesta and 4.1.0 for the tests

Post by mats »

RIght, it's tricky to create a method that covers everything you can do to _hide_ an element. You can:

* Position it behind another using z-index
* Hide using display:none
* Hide using visibility:hidden
* Hide by positioning absolute off screen
* Take it completely out of the DOM itself

We'll discuss and try to come up with a good solution.

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