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[REACT] ParentId on TaskModel is always null

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:23 pm
by ionelabebeselea13


I am trying to create a tree structure for the tasks from a flat array (since this is the way they come from the DB) by using the transformFlatData property and parentId.

However, when I am trying to map the data to the TaskModel, parentId is always set to null, even when it should have a value.

Is there something I am doing wrong? How can I set the parentId in order to create a tree structure?

Re: [REACT] ParentId on TaskModel is always null

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 5:59 pm
by mats

Can you please provide us a simple test case + your data?

Re: [REACT] ParentId on TaskModel is always null

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:20 pm
by ionelabebeselea13


const brTasks = useMemo(() => {
        return tasks?.map(
            t =>
                new BryntumTaskModel({
                    title: t.title,
                    name: t.code ? `${t.code} - ${t.title ?? t.description}` : t.title ?? t.description,
                    percentDone: t.progress ?? 0,
                    startDate: t.startDate,
                    endDate: t.endDate,
                    id: t.taskId != 0 ? t.taskId.toString() : t.guidForNewTask ?? Guid.create().toString(),
                    parentId: t.parentId?.toString(),
                    manuallyScheduled: true
    }, [tasks]);

This is the code for mapping the DB data (in the variable tasks) to the model.

After this, I have created the config for the BryntumGantt component like so:

const config: BryntumGanttProps = useMemo(() => {
        return {
            project: {
                taskModelClass: BryntumTaskModel,
                taskStore: {
                    transformFlatData: true,
                    data: tasksDataSource
                dependencies: dependenciesDataSource
    }, [tasksDataSource]);

The problem is that the parentId, even though it is mapped, when it reaches the component is null for every node.

Re: [REACT] ParentId on TaskModel is always null

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2022 10:51 pm
by mats

Try instead:

return tasks?.map(
            t =>  ({
                    title: t.title,
                    name: t.code ? `${t.code} - ${t.title ?? t.description}` : t.title ?? t.description,
                    percentDone: t.progress ?? 0,
                    startDate: t.startDate,
                    endDate: t.endDate,
                    id: t.taskId != 0 ? t.taskId.toString() : t.guidForNewTask ?? Guid.create().toString(),
                    parentId: t.parentId?.toString(),
                    manuallyScheduled: true

Re: [REACT] ParentId on TaskModel is always null

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 9:02 am
by ionelabebeselea13

Thank you, this seems to work. But my remaining problem is typing. Since we are using typescript in our application, I expect the variable to be a certain type and by doing this, I cannot type it. Is there a way to do this?
And why does it work this way, but not when creating a new TaskModel (or a new Model that extends the TaskModel class in order to add new fields)?

Re: [REACT] ParentId on TaskModel is always null

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:01 am
by johan.isaksson


Our typings has definitions for TaskModel & TaskModelConfig, where TaskModelConfig basically contains the fields. You should be able to use it to define the block in that map() as Partial<TaskModelConfig>