I have several tests that I can't get to fail within the UI but I can't get them to pass when running headless in our CI pipeline. They are calling the waitForRowsVisible method with a string query.
Sample error:
fail 6 - Waited too long for: rows to show for panel with id "my_grid-1011"
Failed assertion waitForRowsVisible at line 9 of /...test.js
Condition was not fullfilled during 270000ms.
function() {
if (!cmp.rendered) return;
var result = this.query(selector, view.el.dom);
if (result.length > 0) {
return result;
My harness:
var harness = new Siesta.Project.Browser.ExtJS();
autoCheckGlobals: true,
defaultTimeout: 30000,
expectedGlobals: [
needDone: true,
// pageUrl: // supplied with the test descriptors in startFromUrl
pauseBetweenTests: 1000,
showTestDurationColumn: true,
speedRun: true,
transparentEx: false,
viewDOM: false,
waitForTimeout: 30000
I have identified the root of the problem. Indeed, rows are not appearing as the failure reports. It's because event simulation is not occurring as I expect during automation. When executing something like this
'type(">> my_searchfield","example[ENTER]")',
, the ENTER keystroke is not occurring and rows don't get loaded. Reading over the docs, all I find is the "simulation" config but that states that the only option during headless tests is synthetic.
Any suggestions/help so that type actions will be executed accurately in a headless mode?
On a side note, the "screenshot" method proved to be very helpful. It made me wonder if you could add a feature that can generate a screenshot whenever an exception occurs or an assertion fails? The harness would define a folder for saving the screenshots and the images would be based on the test name. For troubleshooting automation, this would be very helpful IMO.
I've also installed xvfb and experimented with that option but it appears to fall back to synthetic events:
siesta/bin/webdriver https://localhost:5000 --xvfb --simulation=native --browser=chrome --filter="test"
Launching test suite, OS: Linux, agent: Chrome
[WARN] Could not calibrate native events simulation server on
Reason: timeout
Are we running in headless mode ?
Falling back to synthetic events