Our blazing fast Grid component built with pure JavaScript

Post by henrique »

I'm using the sample of "Cell Editing" https://www.bryntum.com/products/grid/examples/celledit/, and changed the cell edit configuration to this:

      cellEdit : 
         callOnFunctions: true,
         onFinishCellEdit: (param) => {

But the event isn't trigger, why?

Post by marcio »

Hey henrique,

That looks like a bug, here's a ticket to fix it https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/6007

Best regards,

Post by marcio »

Hey henrique,

There is an update on this, actually, when you check the finishCellEdit event documentation, you'll see that'll be an on-owner flag set there, that means that you need to configure the handler on the Grid level and not the feature, so, you need to set like this

features : {
        cellEdit :
            callOnFunctions : true

onFinishCellEdit : (param) => {

Best regards,

Post by henrique »

Nice, but in TS file, the event is declared in the cell edit config class, and not in the grid config. This can be changed?

Post by marcio »

Yes, it can, I created a ticket to fix that TS type https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/6019

Best regards,

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