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[REACT] Column filter after using column renderer

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:43 am
by vconstruct

I have used renderer to return true/false values as yes/no.
It worked fine but when I am trying to filter the column using Yes/No it is not showing any data. Filter is still working with true/false only.

How can I achieve that? How can I filter with rendered values?
I have used renderer to one of the column

renderer({ value }) {
        return value === true ? 'Yes' : 'No';

Re: [REACT] Column filter after using column renderer

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:08 pm
by tasnim


It worked fine but when I am trying to filter the column using Yes/No it is not showing any data. Filter is still working with true/false only.

Filter always applies the filter in the store. And the store has the data that you've set, and it has true and false values (value : true) But it doesn't have the values as Yes or No (value : 'Yes'). So that's why you're only able to filter with true and false

How can I achieve that? How can I filter with rendered values?

You cannot filter the rendered values. If you want to filter by Yes or No then you need to set the data value : 'Yes' or value : 'No'