Our flexible Kanban board for managing tasks with drag drop

Post by shimnx »

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This is the data in my drop-down list, there are three tasks in my video that have a group called 'milestone', and actually the milestone is not in my drop-down data, so if I double click on the cell it will show its id, but I don't want it to show its id, I want it to still show 'milestone' after double clicking, or is it empty?

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Post by alex.l »

Hi shimnx,

You didn't attach video. Also please show your code regarding to that combo with full config you used, and describe actual and expected result. We need to see a full picture to help you with that.

Thank you.

All the best,

Post by shimnx »

So here's my video, but anyway, I want to double-click on a cell and not show its id, but show its text, or show it as empty

(1.68 MiB) Downloaded 34 times

Post by shimnx »

This is my example

(393.09 KiB) Downloaded 33 times

Post by alex.l »

Your example is not runnable. I tried to check the code visually and I don't see any "Group" column in columns in ganttConfig.
But basically, all you need to do is to specify https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Core/widget/Combo#config-displayField and https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/api/Core/widget/Combo#config-valueField for your editor combo. So, the widget will know what field should be used for display and for value.

All the best,

Post by shimnx »

I added it to my code


but it still doesn't work

(8.8 MiB) Downloaded 33 times

Post by alex.l »

displayField is a property of Combo, not Column. You need to set it for editor, as well as valueField.

Make sure data for your editor looks like this:

    id : 1,
    groupName : 'Name 1'
    id : 2,
    groupName : 'Name 2'

All the best,

Post by shimnx »

Thanks, I used the displayValueRenderer method to solve this problem

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