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[REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 5:02 pm
by jeanbaptiste.minani

Hello team,

My question is, how do i replace the load data with my backend rersponse which has a same response type as a sample json file you provide in all examples. Am able to can get the api response in one of my typescript file but i don't know how to load it on my calendar. Thanks

Here my full configuration written in .ts file:

import { DateHelper } from '@bryntum/calendar';
import { BryntumCalendarProps } from '@bryntum/calendar-react';

const calendarConfig: BryntumCalendarProps = {
date : new Date(2022, 2, 15), height : 700, // We have a little less width in our context, so reduce the responsive breakpoints responsive : { small : { when : 480 }, medium : { when : 640 } }, crudManager : { transport : { load : { url : 'data/calendar-data.json' } }, autoLoad : true, autoSync : true }, features : { eventTooltip : { showOn : 'hover', titleRenderer: (eventRecord: any) =>, renderer: ({ eventRecord }: any) => { return { children : [{ style : { display : 'grid', gridTemplateColumns : '4em 1fr' }, children : ['From:', { text : DateHelper.format(eventRecord.startDate, 'DD MMMM YYYY{ at }HH:mm') }] }, { style : { display : 'grid', gridTemplateColumns : '4em 1fr' }, children : ['To:', { text : DateHelper.format(eventRecord.endDate, 'DD MMMM YYYY{ at }HH:mm') }] }, { style : { color : '#b3b3b3', display : 'grid', gridTemplateColumns : '4em 1fr' }, children : ['Reason:', { text : `${eventRecord.reason}` }]
}] }; }, tools : { newTool : { cls : 'b-icon-add', handler : 'up.onTooltipAddClick' } } }, eventEdit : { editorConfig : { title : 'Manage Reservation' }, items : { nameField : { label : 'Titles' }, resourceField : { weight : 0, label: "Facilities" }, startDateField :{ label:"From" }, endDateField:{ label:"To" }, noteField : { type : 'textarea', label : 'Reason', name : 'reason' }, recurrenceCombo: false, editRecurrenceButton:false, } }, }, }; export { calendarConfig };

Here my another .tsx file with response from the api:

import React, { Fragment, FunctionComponent, useRef, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { BryntumCalendar } from '@bryntum/calendar-react';
import { Calendar } from '@bryntum/calendar';
import { calendarConfig } from './calendarConfig';
import FetchCalendarData from './hooks/reservationCalendar';
 // or `import * as fs from 'fs'` if you're using ES2015+

const CalendarApp: FunctionComponent = () => {
    const calendarRef = useRef<BryntumCalendar>(null);
    const calendarInstance = () => calendarRef.current?.instance as Calendar;

const {data:calendarData} =FetchCalendarData("FACIL_0000000000048",3);

console.log(calendarData?.data) // this is the response from the api

useEffect(() => {
    // This shows loading data
    // To load data automatically configure crudManager with `autoLoad : true`
return (
            ref = {calendarRef}

Please help me to understand how i can achieve this

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 6:52 pm
by Animal

The format of the response which a CrudManager uses is shown here:

As you can see, it's a combination of the various data types, Events, Resources and (Assignments, if a multi assign is being used)

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 9:28 am
by jeanbaptiste.minani

Hello Animal,

Thank you for quick response, is it possible to get a real typescript example calling an api with header, authorization, method, etc....
an example would help. Or if possible to call an existing service which return the exact response.


Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2023 12:36 pm
by Animal

You do not make any requests. The CrudManager does it for you. You just provide the back end which generates that JSON data.

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 11:47 am
by jeanbaptiste.minani

Thank you again for clarification, could you give me an example on how i can pass the back end api which has path variables. thanks

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:20 pm
by Animal

I don't understand the question. Can you rephrase it?

A CrudManager just has urls to load from and sync to. Your backend just has to produce conforming JSON. It is that simple.

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:37 pm
by jeanbaptiste.minani

Okey here the error am getting:
calendar.module.js?3b35:134008 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Load failed
at CrudManager.onCrudRequestFailure

My code looks like this:

crudManager : {
transport : { load : { url : `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_RESERVATION_API_URL}/reservation/v1/calendarEvents`, method : 'POST', params : { facilityId : 'FACIL_0000000000048', byStatus :3 }, Headers : { 'X-REALM':'risa', 'Content-Type' : 'application/json', }, credentials : 'exclude', } }, autoLoad : true, autoSync : true },

I cannot call the api and get data

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:11 pm
by Animal

So, in the network tab, what does the response payload look like?

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 5:57 pm
by jeanbaptiste.minani

I couldn't get any request in network so, i removed 'credentials: ''exclude' and now am getting this error

"The value of the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header in the response must not be the wildcard '' when the request's credentials mode is 'include'."
I tried putting 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '
', but with no success

Re: [REACT] Integrating calendar with backend api

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 6:42 pm
by Animal

I can't help you with your comms between your app and your server. That is something your dev team will have to address.