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[VUE 2] Uploading image for cell

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 8:54 am
by thejas.pateel

My project having requirement to upload image to achieve this in bryntum please give step by step approach with clear understandable code snippet . please create project and show if possible

Re: [VUE 2] Uploading image for cell

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2023 11:03 am
by alex.l

Hi thejas.pateel,

Your question is very general.
We have FileField widget here and that you can put into

Or you can use a Button in WidgetColumn to achieve that and open a dialog on click

const grid = new Grid({
    appendTo : targetElement,
// ... columns : [ // ... { type : 'widget', text : 'Button column', width : 140, widgets : [{ type : 'button', cls : 'b-raised', text : 'Upload image', flex : 1, onClick : ({ source: btn }) => { const { record } = btn.cellInfo; // your upload image code } }] } ]

For upload image code, I am afraid, it's out of bounds of Bryntum support, it doesn't related to our components and depends on many aspects: the way how do you store files data on backend, what database you used, and others.
I suggest you to google it, it's a JavaScript and not Bryntum.

If you have more specific questions related to using components in a cell or like that, please do not hesitate to ask.