Hi Team,
We have license for Bryntum Gantt and Scheduler Pro, which we want to use in our running instance. For this we follow these steps:-
- We create our component in one npm project (named LibA). here in this package.json, we add the required libraries.
- Once LibA components are created and tested on storybook, We create build of same 'npm run build.'
- We have another npm project (named ProB), here we use the LibA as external library and configured in package.json along with other required libraries.
- Once ProB components is complete, we export deployable version 'npm run export'.
- Host the exported out directory to the instance to check the application at runtime in container.
The steps to configure & run the Bryntum is at https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/guide/Gantt/quick-start/react uses username and password & stores the licensing configuration and token in .npmrc file of local user. How can we ship this out to the final deployable form of project. I have also tried seeing https://bryntum.com/products/gantt/docs/guide/Gantt/integration/react/guide