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[React] Licensing configuration Info for deploying component as lib and using at runtime

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 9:38 am
by c-amitkumar.singh

Hi Team,

We have license for Bryntum Gantt and Scheduler Pro, which we want to use in our running instance. For this we follow these steps:-

  1. We create our component in one npm project (named LibA). here in this package.json, we add the required libraries.
  2. Once LibA components are created and tested on storybook, We create build of same 'npm run build.'
  3. We have another npm project (named ProB), here we use the LibA as external library and configured in package.json along with other required libraries.
  4. Once ProB components is complete, we export deployable version 'npm run export'.
  5. Host the exported out directory to the instance to check the application at runtime in container.

The steps to configure & run the Bryntum is at uses username and password & stores the licensing configuration and token in .npmrc file of local user. How can we ship this out to the final deployable form of project. I have also tried seeing


Re: [React] Licensing configuration Info for deploying component as lib and using at runtime

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 10:08 am
by sergey.maltsev


Please check this guide for using with CI/CD
Basically, all you need is create .npmrc file and place it alongside with package.json file in project folder.

To use Gantt and SchedulerPro in one project import only Gantt package.
It has ShedulerPo inside. Please note that products are still licensed separately.
Importing of two packages is not supported until we finish with this issue.

If you have any further questions please give us more details what is the

the final deployable form of project