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Success/Predecessor column issue

Posted: Wed May 31, 2023 9:36 pm
by jhughesoneplan

Go to your advanced demo.
go to task 1.1.5 (Run Tests)
In successor column select Install Apache (This is invalid dependency)
Now scroll (using mouse) outside of dependency picker inside the grid all the way to bottom and back to top.

You get the following error:

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setEndBefore' on 'Range': the given Node has no parent.
    at Row.moveContentFromCell (
    at Row.renderCell (
    at Row.render (
    at RowManager.displayRecordAtTop (
    at RowManager.fillAbove (
    at RowManager.updateRenderedRows (
    at Gantt.onGridVerticalScroll [as onGridVerticalScrollNow] (
    at Gantt.<anonymous> (
    at Gantt.g (

Re: Success/Predecessor column issue

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:59 am
by marcio

Hey jhughesoneplan,

I tried to reproduce the error but didn't get any message. I attach a video to demonstrate how I tried to reproduce it, am I doing it correctly?