[REACT] Export to pdf stops mid export without throwing an error
I'm trying to implement an export to pdf using the export method in the Scheduler component.
I specific case the export just stop during the creation of the HTML strings and does not throw any error.
There is no call to the PDF server so I know for certain that the problem is not on that end.
export in other conditions seems to work fine.
basic configuration:
exporterType: 'multipage',
fileName: 'Plataine-scheduler',
fileFormat: 'pdf',
orientation: 'landscape',
scheduleRange: 'currentview',
repeatHeader: true,
sendAsBinary: true,
specific parameters sent to the export function:
rangeEnd: Sun Jun 18 2023 03:00:00 GMT+0300 (Israel Daylight Time) {}
rangeStart: Sun Jun 04 2023 03:00:00 GMT+0300 (Israel Daylight Time) {}
scheduleRange: "daterange"
The zoom level of the scheduler is set to 0.
The bug repeats itself inconsistently. I had to test it multiple times.