Our powerful JS Calendar component

Post by skorer »


I am trying to edit some field in event edit. I need to find the name of the resources with their id. I implemented the code as following;

 resourceField: {
                onAction(props) {
                    const { source : { parent : editor }, value } = props;
                    if (value != 102){
                        const resource = this.resourceStore.getById(value);
                        const resourceName = resource.name;
                        editor.widgetMap.nameField.value = resourceName;
                        editor.widgetMap.allDay.value = true;

But I am getting an error of this.resourceStore is undefined. I am sharing the all code I could not figure out why I can not reach the data in the resourceStore. Calendar works perfectly there is no error about the load or other things.

import Event from './lib/Event';
import Resource from './lib/Resource';
import { DateHelper,Calendar, StringHelper, Override, Store, DomHelper, Toast} from '@bryntum/calendar';

const sumWidths = (t, e) => t + e.getBoundingClientRect().width;

export const getCalendarConfig = (userId) => {
    return {
    datePicker : {
        showEvents : false
    userId: userId,

mode : 'week',
weekStartDay     : 1,
crudManager : {
    validateResponse: true,
    phantomIdField: 'phantomId',
    prepareRemoved(removed) {
        return removed.map(rec => {
            return { calendarId : rec.id, resourceTypeName : rec.resourceTypeName, resourceId : rec.resourceId };
    listeners : {
            pack.events?.added?.forEach(event => {
                if(event.resourceId == 102){
                    event.resourceTypeName = 'Notlar'
                else {
                    event.resourceTypeName = 'Özel Günler'
        requestFail({ response, responseText }){
            if (!response) {
                    html: `DB'ye eklenirken hata alındı.:<br> Hata mesajı :${responseText}<br>`,
                    color: 'b-red',
                    style: 'color:white',
                    timeout: 0
            } else if (response.message) {
                    html: response.message,
                    color: 'b-red',
                    style: 'color:white',
                    timeout: 0
            if(response.requestType == 'sync'){
                    html: `DB Güncellendi`,
                    color: 'b-green',
                    style: 'color:white',
                    //timeout: 0
    resourceStore : {
        modelClass : Resource
    eventStore : {
        modelClass : Event,
        fields : [{
            name    : 'duration',
            persist : false
    transport : {
        load : {
            credentials : 'omit',
            url : 'loadurl',
            headers   : {
                'Content-Type' : 'application/json'
        sync: {
            credentials : 'omit',
            params      : {
                userId     : userId
            url: 'syncurl',
    autoSync : true,
    autoLoad : true,

sidebar : {
    items : {
        datePicker : {
            showEvents : 'dots'
        resourceFilter : {
            selected: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,102],
            store : {
                groupers : [
                    { field : 'resourceType', ascending : true}
                //startGroupsCollapsed : true

eventEditFeature : {
    items : {
        resourceField: {
            onAction(props) {
                const { source : { parent : editor }, value } = props;
                if (value != 102){
                    const resource = this.resourceStore.getById(value);
                    const resourceName = resource.name;
                    editor.widgetMap.nameField.value = resourceName;
                    editor.widgetMap.allDay.value = true;
        nameField : {
            label : '',

        isXLRoutage : {
            type   : 'checkbox',
            label  : 'XLR Freeze',
            name   : 'isXLRoutage',
            weight : 290,
        isXLRMFoutage : {
            type   : 'checkbox',
            label  : 'XLRMF Freeze',
            name   : 'isXLRMFoutage',
            weight : 290,
            type   : 'combo',
            label  : 'Tip',
            name   : 'resourceTypeName',
            items : ['Özel Günler', 'Notlar'],
            weight : 290,
        recurrenceCombo: null,
        editRecurrenceButton: null
tbar : [
        type         : 'combo',
        store        : themeStore,
        label        : 'theme',
        value        : defaultTheme,
        displayField : 'name',
        valueField   : 'value',
        onAction(props) {

    items : [
        type: 'widget',
        cls : 'label',
        html: 'Theme: '
        type: 'buttonGroup',
        toggleGroup: true,
        items: ['Stockholm', 'Material', 'Classic-Light','Classic-Dark','Classic'].map(name=>{
                id: name.toLowerCase(),
                text: name,
                pressed: DomHelper.themeInfo.name === name
        onAction({source : button}){
modeDefaults : {
    allDayEvents : {
        //defaultEventRowCount : 8
        //autoHeight : true,
        expanded : true,

modes : {
    day : {
        eventRenderer : ({eventRecord, renderData}) => {
                    renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                    return `
                    <div style= "line-height:3px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                    <p><b>XLR ve XLRMF Freeze</b></p>
                    renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                    return `
                    <div style= "line-height:3px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                    <p><b>XLR Freeze</b></p>
            }else if(eventRecord.isXLRMFoutage){
                renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                return `
                <div style= "line-height:3px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                <p><b>XLRMF Freeze</b></p>
        //autoRowHeight : true

    week : {
        eventRenderer : ({eventRecord, renderData}) => {
                    renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                    return `
                    <div style= "line-height:3px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                    <p><b>XLR ve XLRMF Freeze</b></p>
                    renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                    return `
                    <div style= "line-height:3px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                    <p><b>XLR Freeze</b></p>
            }else if(eventRecord.isXLRMFoutage){
                renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                return `
                <div style= "line-height:3px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                <p><b>XLRMF Freeze</b></p>
        //autoRowHeight : true
    month : {
        showWeekColumn : false,
        //autoRowHeight : true
        eventRenderer : ({eventRecord, renderData}) => {
                    renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                    return `
                    <div style= "line-height:1px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                    <p><b>XLR ve XLRMF Freeze</b></p>
                    renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                    return `
                    <div style= "line-height:1px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                    <p><b>XLR Freeze</b></p>
            }else if(eventRecord.isXLRMFoutage){
                renderData.iconCls['b-fa b-fa-exclamation'] = 1;
                return `
                <div style= "line-height:1px"><p class="b-event-name">${StringHelper.encodeHtml(eventRecord.name)}</p>
                <p><b>XLRMF Freeze</b></p>
    year : {
        dayCellRenderer : ({eventRecord, cellConfig, events, date, cellData}) => {
            if(cellData.resourceId = 6){
                cellConfig.style.fontWeight = '700';
        range : 'day',
        subGridConfigs : {
            normal: {
                refreshFakeScroll() {
                        me              = this,
                        }               = me,
                        { style }       = me.element,
                        { style : vs }  = me.virtualScrollerElement,
                        // Cannot use scrollWidth because its an integer and we need exact content size
                        totalFixedWidth = [...header.contentElement.children].reduce(sumWidths, 0);
                    // Use a fixed scroll width so that when grid is empty (e.g after filtering with no matches),
                    // it is able to it maintain its scroll-x position and magic mouse swiping
                    // in the grid area will produce horizontal scrolling.
                    // https://github.com/bryntum/support/issues/3247
                    scrollable.scrollWidth = totalFixedWidth;
                    // This style property ensures all rows expand to accommodate the visible columns
                    style.setProperty('--total-column-width', `${totalFixedWidth}px`);
                    // Scroller lays out in the same way as subgrid.
                    // If we are flexed, the scroller is flexed etc.
                    vs.width = style.width;
                    vs.flex = style.flex;
                    vs.minWidth = style.minWidth;
                    vs.maxWidth = style.maxWidth;
                    if (!me.collapsed) {
                        if (me.overflowingHorizontally) {
                            virtualScrollerWidth.style.width = `${scrollable.scrollWidth || 0}px`;
                            // If *any* SubGrids have horizontal overflow, the main grid
                            // has to show its virtual horizontal scrollbar.
                        else {
                            virtualScrollerWidth.style.width = 0;
        columns : [
            { field:'name', hidden : true},
            { field:'resources', hidden : true},
            { text: 'Öncelik', field: 'priority', flex: '0 0 85px', 
            renderer({ record }) {
                return [{
                    tag       : 'i',
                    className : 'b-icon b-icon-circle',
                    style     : `color:${record.resource?.eventColor}`
                }, {
                    text : record.priority
            } },
            { text: 'Değişiklik No', field: 'changeNumber', flex: '0 0 125px',
            renderer ({record}) {
                return {tag : 'a', href : record.adress, text : record.changeNumber}
            } },
            { text: 'Açıklama', field: 'changeDetail', flex: '0 0 300px' },
            { text: 'Değişiklik Sahibi', field: 'owner', flex: '0 0 200px' },
            { text: 'Başlangıç Zamanı', field: 'startDate', flex: '0 0 150px' },
            { text: 'Bitiş Zamanı', field: 'endDate', flex: '0 0 150px' },
            { text: 'Sahip Grup', field: 'ownerGroup', flex: '0 0 130px' },
            { text: 'Kayıt Durumu', field: 'recordStatus',flex: '0 0 130px' },
            { text: 'Süreç Durumu', field: 'processStatus',flex: '0 0 200px' },
            { text: 'Proje Adı', field: 'projectName',flex: '0 0 130px' },
            { text: 'Tip', field: 'formType',flex: '0 0 130px' },
            { text: 'Ürünler', field: 'products',flex: '0 0 130px' },
        features : {
            filterBar : {
                stripe    : true,
                quickFind : true,
                //filter :{property:'startDate', value: }
            group : {
                field : 'resourceTypeName',

features : {
    weekExpander : true,
    eventTooltip : {
        showOn : 'click',
        align : {
            align : 't-b',

            // Mustn't shrink because of large, graphical content
            minHeight : null
        renderer(data) {
            return this.internalRenderer(data) + `<dl>
            ${data.eventRecord.get('changeDetail') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-circle-info" ></i>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('owner') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-user" ></i>
                <b>Değişiklik Sahibi:</b>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${StringHelper.encodeHtml(data.eventRecord.formType) == 'XLR' ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-gear" ></i>
                <b>Release Tipi:</b>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${StringHelper.encodeHtml(data.eventRecord.formType) == 'XLRMF' ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-gear" ></i>
                <b>Release Tipi:</b>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('application') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-tablet-screen-button" ></i>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('products') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-book" ></i>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('adress') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-link" ></i>
                <a href=
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('recordStatus') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-bars-progress" ></i>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('processStatus') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-bars-progress" ></i>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('isXLRoutage') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-snowflake" ></i>
                <b>Açıksistem Yazılım Değişikliği Planlanamaz</b>
            <br />
            ` : ''}
            ${data.eventRecord.get('isXLRMFoutage') ? `
                <i class="b-fa-solid b-fa-snowflake" ></i>
                <b>Anasistem Yazılım Değişikliği Planlanamaz</b>
            <br />
            ` : ''}

//export { calendarConfig };

Post by ghulam.ghous »

Hi Skorer,

You were facing error because this was in the context of the resource field. Please try this:

      resourceField: {
        onAction(props) {
          const {
            source: { parent: editor },
          } = props;
          if (value !== 102) {
            const resource = props.source.up("calendar").resourceStore.getById(value);
            const resourceName = resource.name;
            editor.widgetMap.nameField.value = resourceName
            editor.widgetMap.allDay.value = true;

On my end it resolved the error.


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